How to Predict Attendance of Theatre Performances: Discussion at GAMES Seminar
Will the theatre auditorium be full of spectators or will the seats remain empty? Which factors does it depend on? For any theatre the prediction of attendance for specific plays is an important vital task while for academics it is an interesting research work.
Associate Professor of HSE Perm Talks at IAEA Event
Mariya Molodchik, Associate Professor at HSE in Perm and Senior Research Fellow at the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, spoke at the Third International Conference on Nuclear Knowledge Management, which was held at the IAEA Headquarters at the UN Office in Vienna.
Problems of Public, Private, and NGO Relations Dicussed at HSE Perm
The 2nd international research seminar ‘Public-Private Interaction: Design and Deliberation’ has taken place at the HSE campus in Perm. The seminar was organized as part of a research project focusing on public-private interaction, headed by Professor Paola Valbonesi.
‘Economics, Behavior and Experiments’ at HSE Perm
An open lecture ‘Economics, Behavior and Experiments’ by Dmitri Vinogradov, Lecturer in Finance at the University of Essex, was recently held at HSE Perm. The lecture was dedicated to experimental methods in economic research.
HSE Staff Members at Conference on Modern Econometric Tools and Applications
Research Fellows of the Group for Applied Markets and Enterprises Studies Alina Buzanakova and Evgeniy Ozhegov took part in the 3rd International Conference ‘Modern Econometric Tools and Applications – META2016’ that was held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod.
iCare 2016: Results and Plans
On September 26-27, 2016, the International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCare) was held at one of the HSE’s partner universities — the Essex Business School (University of Essex, Colchester).
iCare in Essex
On September 26-27, 2016, the International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCare) is being held at HSE’s partner university — the Essex Business School (University of Essex, Colchester).
Robots Will Change the Job Market to Our Benefit
Will robots eventually make people jobless? That ‘s an issue that has recently been under a lot of discussions with some publications predicting that around 40% of jobs will disappear in the nearest decade due to the advent of technology. But is the future indeed so gloomy? Sir Christoper Pissarides, 2010 Nobel Prize winner, Regius Professor of Economics at LSE, disagrees. In his honorary lecture at HSE ICEF Prof Pissarides discussed various issues concerning the future of work and employment in the age of robots.
Kenneth Wang at HSE Perm
Kenneth T. Wang, Associate Professor of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary and an expert in management and education psychology, recently visited HSE in Perm to deliver a series of seminars for HSE students, lecturers, and researchers.
Language Teachers Discuss Teaching Issues with International Expert
A seminar ‘Inventing a Whole Language Foreign Language Classroom: Thinking Outside the Box’ by Professor David Schwarzer (PhD in Education, College of Education and Human Services, Montclair State University, United States) was held at HSE Perm as part of collaboration between the School of Foreign Languages at HSE Perm and HSE University District. The event drew 62 English teachers from 16 Perm and 12 Perm region schools.