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Russian Traditions through International Marketing

Anna Zarkada, PhD, Professor at the Athens University of Economics and Business is delivering a series of lectures on international marketing for third-year students in Management at HSE Perm.

Illustration for news: IDlab at the Conference in Zurich

IDlab at the Conference in Zurich

Angel Barajas, Academic Superisor of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, Professor at the University of Vigo, and research fellows of the laboratory Dennis Coates, Professor at the University of Maryland, Marina Zavertiaeva and Petr Parshakov took part in the 7th European Sport Economics Association Conference on Sport Economics that was held on August 27-28 in Zurich.

Our Students in Essex: Graduation

Students of the HSE campus in Perm who studied on the joint master’s programme with the University of Essex have been awarded their Master of Science degrees.

Illustration for news: HSE Student Wins Gold in World Dance Sport Competition

HSE Student Wins Gold in World Dance Sport Competition

Third year HSE Perm management student Anastasia Kulbeda and her partner Dmitry Pleshkov won the gold medal at the World Dance Sport Competition against 16 other couples from Germany, Italy, France and other countries.

Student of HSE Perm Took Part in the International Summer School

Daria Skidnova, Research Assistant at the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, and fourth-year student in economics took part in an international summer school organized by the University of Applied Sciences Bremerhaven.

Classical Studies Discussed at HSE Perm

Research and study activities continue at HSE Perm even during vacations. A Summer School in Classical Studies, ‘Political Regimes of the Antiquity 3: Political Evolution and Socio-economic Development’ started today at the Perm campus. Researchers from Ekaterinburg, Tobolsk, Moscow, and Durham are all taking part in the event.

International Seminar on the Humanities in Russia at HSE Perm

Academics from all over the world will meet on August 25th - 27th at the HSE campus in Perm for an international research seminar The Humanities in Russia and the Break of 1917: the Existential Dimension.30 researchers from Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, the USA, Uzbekistan and Ukraine will be taking part.

Illustration for news: HSE Perm to Help Reconstruct the Sudoplatov Family History

HSE Perm to Help Reconstruct the Sudoplatov Family History

On 20th July 2015 at HSE Perm, History students and teachers met descendants of the Sudoplatov family who founded the ‘Kama’ confectionary factory in Perm. They travelled from France to Perm to find out more about their family history.

Illustration for news: HSE Perm Student Named Best MA student at the University of Essex

HSE Perm Student Named Best MA student at the University of Essex

Yury Gritsyuk, an MA student on the joint Business Strategies in a Global Environment programme run by HSE Perm and the University of Essex (UK) was awarded the prize as the best student on the Essex Business School programme (Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, World Economy groups).

Irina Romodina Took Part in 8th International Conference on Applied Economics

Irina Romodina, Research Assistant at the Division of Public-Private Partnership Studies at HSE Perm took part in the 8th International Conference on Applied Economics – Contemporary Issues in Economy ‘Market or Government?’ The event was held in Torun, Poland.