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Professor Ludo Pyis Visits HSE - Perm

From February 27 to March 6, Professor Ludo Pyis will deliver lectures at the HSE - Perm. Professor Pyis is an instructor at Management Centre Europe in Brussels, Belgium.

Students from Russia and America Talk Olympics

A videoconference Let’s Talk Olympics was held at the HSE-Perm. It was organized for students of the HSE-Perm and California University of Pennsylvania.

HSE-Perm Students Meet U.S. Consul General

The Research Center of the A.M. Gorky Perm State Regional Library in Perm recently hosted a rather unusual meeting. It was attended by a special guest, Mr. Otto Hans Van Maerssen, Consul General to Yekaterinburg along with his team, including some American businessmen looking to expand their activities in Russia.

Summing up Autumn Term in Essex

The first group of HSE - Perm students has completed the U.K. based part of the Dual Degree Programme run jointly by HSE - Perm and the University of Essex.

We Have to Overcome the Crisis of Trust in Education

Ректор ВШЭ, председатель Комиссии по развитию образования Общественной палаты РФ Ярослав Кузьминов принял участие в обсуждении проекта ежегодного доклада о состоянии гражданского общества в России.

We Have to Overcome the Crisis of Trust in Education

On December 20, 2013, Yaroslav Kuzminov, HSE Rector and Head of the Russian Federation Public Chamber Commission on Education Development, participated in the discussion surrounding the draft annual report on the state of civil society in Russia. He spoke about some current problems of education.

Lecture Course on the Theory of Oligopoly

From December 10-12, 2013, Elena Paltseva, Professor at the Stockholm School of Economics, read a lecture course on the theory of oligopoly, as part of the course on Microeconomics at the HSE - Perm.

Yegor Gaidar Fellowship Program Launched

In late October, the HSE-Perm Faculty of Economics hosted a visitor from Moscow – Carol Sorrenti, the Country Director of IREX' s Russia office. She told HSE-Perm graduates in detail about The Yegor Gaidar Fellowship Program in Economics as well as the requirements for participating in the Program.

Intellectual Capital

The 9th interdisciplinary workshop on intangibles, intellectual capital and extra-financial information was held at the Copenhagen Business School at the end of September. It was organized by EIASM (the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management). Mariya Molodchik, Associate Professor of the Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies HSE Perm told about the event.

HSE Perm’s iCare: International Conference on Applied Research in Economics was “a useful experience”

The Perm campus of the Higher School of Economics has held a successful International Conference for Research in Economics “iCare”.