HSE Leads in 8 Indicators in the Latest U-Multirank Ranking
HSE is among the leaders in 8 out of 35 indicators in the latest U-Multirank ranking, including student mobility, graduate entrepreneurial activity, and income from continuous professional development.

HSE Presented Development Roadmap to Project 5-100 International Council
On March 17, 2017, a regular meeting of the Project 5-100 Council on Competitiveness Enhancement of Leading Russian Universities took place in Moscow. HSE representatives told the Council, which includes international experts, about the University’s achievements following the implementation of the first half of the Project. They also discussed their upcoming development plans.
HSE — Perm’s Students Attended Final of Case Championship “PRMIA Risk Management Challenge”
A team of students from Economics educational programme attended the final of the case championship “PRMIA Risk Management Challenge” in Moscow. The team consisted of Boris Komarov and Grigory Pleshkov (2nd year students), Aleksandr Popov and Victor Zhemchuzhnikov (4th year students).
E-Mail Marketing and Coproduction at Elementary School Discussed at GAMES Seminar
What information should be contained in an e-mail advertising message so that a customer noticed it and the product sales increased? How do parents’ extra-curricular activities influence the academic performance of children at elementary school? The participants of the GAMES seminar tried to answer these questions.
Marketing Automation Helps to Increase Sales
How to increase sales through marketing automation? How to motivate a user, who entered the site of an online shop, to make a purchase? These issues were discussed at a regular research seminar of the GAMES group where Dmitry Sergeev, the founder of Carrot Quest company, was a speaker.
Academics from Saint-Petersburg and Perm Shared Their Experience in Research
Big session of the GAMES research seminar took place at HSE-Perm. During one week academics from HSE-Perm and HSE-Saint-Petersburg shared their experience in research.
HSE Lecturer Participated in Conference on City Branding in London
The largest football event in the world, the FIFA World Cup 2018, is rapidly approaching. For the 11 Russian cities chosen to host the World Cup, this is assumed to be a powerful impulse for social and economic development. The preparation for this event is well underway, and the organisers face a lot of different challenges.
Petr Parshakov Presents his Latest Research at the University of Vigo
Petr Parshakov, Academic Supervisor of the MA programme in Finance, presented the results of his research ‘Team vs. Individual Tournaments: Evidence from Prize Structure in eSports’, co-authored by Dennis Coates and implemented as part of his PhD thesis, at the University of Vigo.

2016 in Review: The Year’s Major Events at HSE in Perm
In 2016 we attempted a review of the outgoing academic year. Please see the big interview with Galina Volodina, campus director, about the most important issues for the university. But since then a lot has happened and a lot has been achieved. So, what else will we remember from 2016?
Anastasia Bozhya-Volya Has Passed Refresher Training Courses in London
Anastasia Bozhya-Volya, senior research fellow of the Centre for Private-Public Interactions, has passed refresher training programme “2016 STATA WINTER SCHOOL” in London.