"Brain hour for children"
PhD Sofia Kulikova, senior research fellow of Scientific and training laboratory for interdisciplinary empirical studies of HSE-Perm, will read popular scientific lecture “Brain hour for children” within the framework of the “City civil weekend” activities.
“City civil weekend” is a one-day festival for active and curious citizens within summer public city festival “Bridges”. On Saturday, June 18 from 11 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. guests of the festival will see exciting performances of interesting Perm citizens, master classes from experts in absolutely various spheres.
Family and children’s venue will be opened by popular scientific lecture “Brain hour for children” by PhD Sofia Kulikova, senior research fellow of Scientific university laboratory for interdisciplinary empirical studies of HSE-Perm, and the student team of Perm medical academy. Children (optimal age of participants is from 6 to 10 years old) will be told how our brain is organized and how it works, what science studies it and how scientists can look inside the brain. Everyone will be able to try himself in the role of young explorer and to see that brain study is a very exciting thing.
Venue: business center “Sergo” (61 Monastyrskaya str.), conference hall (3rd floor).
Beginning at 11.00 a.m. Free entrance. We are waiting for you!