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Illustration for news: Students of HSE University-Perm Perform at 31st Russian Student Spring Festival

Students of HSE University-Perm Perform at 31st Russian Student Spring Festival

Members of the KNIVE vocal ensemble and the HSE Crew dance studio represented HSE University at the opening ceremony and the festival town, while students Polina Subbotina and Yulia Mukharamova were included in the Perm Krai delegation that won the festival’s main prize in the team scoring.

Illustration for news: Men Willing to Pay More for Chocolate Than Women

Men Willing to Pay More for Chocolate Than Women

Researchers at HSE University in Perm have used electroencephalography (EEG) to determine that consumers are willing to pay 10% more for chocolate when they know it to be a premium product. On the other hand, if consumers are aware that a chocolate product is inexpensive, their willingness to pay decreases by 13%. On average, men are willing to pay 8.8 monetary units more for chocolate than women, and men's willingness to pay decreases by 0.3 monetary units with each additional year of age. The study has been published in Food Quality and Preference.

Illustration for news: Researchers from HSE University and Artificial Intelligence Research Institute Train Neural Network to Learn Much More Efficiently

Researchers from HSE University and Artificial Intelligence Research Institute Train Neural Network to Learn Much More Efficiently

Illustration for news: HSE University Leads in Four Subject Rankings of ‘Three University Missions’ Rankings

HSE University Leads in Four Subject Rankings of ‘Three University Missions’ Rankings

In 2023, HSE University took first place in the ‘Three University Missions’ subject rankings in economics, sociology, management and psychology. The university also entered the top three in terms of the number of subjects covered by the rankings.

Illustration for news: HSE University Enhances Publication Activity in 6 Subjects in ‘Expert’ Ranking

HSE University Enhances Publication Activity in 6 Subjects in ‘Expert’ Ranking

The ‘Expert’ analytical centre has published its ranking of the publication activity of Russian universities for 2023. HSE University has improved its position in six subjects and two narrow sections.

Illustration for news: People Spend 1/6th of their Lifetime on Enhancing Their Appearance

People Spend 1/6th of their Lifetime on Enhancing Their Appearance

And not only to find the love of their life

Illustration for news: Comics: From the Middle Ages to the 21st Century

Comics: From the Middle Ages to the 21st Century

The 8th Russian Comics Conference ‘The World of Comics’, organised by the HSE Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies, took place online in March 2023. Over the two days of the conference, 44 comics researchers from Russia, France, China, and Malaysia presented their papers on comics history, narratives, visuals, and animation.

Illustration for news: ‘We Hope that Our Film Will Motivate Young People to Get Involved in Research’

‘We Hope that Our Film Will Motivate Young People to Get Involved in Research’

In honour of HSE University’s 30th anniversary in November 2022, the RT television channel made a documentary film called 2052: See the Future. The film is dedicated to the university’s research achievements and how they will change the world in the decades to come. The film was released this year in English and Arabic. The first festival screening of 2052: See the Future took place as part of the 7th Gagarin.doc International Festival of Cinema, Science and Contemporary Art.

Illustration for news: Russian Researchers Explain Origins of Dangerous Coronavirus Variants

Russian Researchers Explain Origins of Dangerous Coronavirus Variants

And their unexpected emergence

Illustration for news: HSE University Comes First in HeadHunter Ranking of Top Russian Universities

HSE University Comes First in HeadHunter Ranking of Top Russian Universities

HSE University took first place in the 2022 ranking of the top universities in Russia according to HeadHunter, the biggest online recruitment company in Russia. Its rankings are based on employer demand for graduates of Russian universities whose CVs are available on the hh.ru website.