HSE University-Perm and the Training Centre of the Uzbek Ministry of Finance Sign Cooperation Agreement
HSE University in Perm has become the first academic partner of the Training Centre under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The parties have signed a cooperation agreement in education and research.

Culture, Arts, Creative Industries, and Tourism Discussed at HSE University’s Conference in Perm
On October 20–22, the second International Conference on Experience Economy: Museum, Event, and Tourism Management was held at HSE University in Perm. Key talks were delivered by Andrea Rurale, the director of the Master’s in Arts Management and Administration at the Bocconi University School of Management, and Guillaume Tiberghien, University of Glasgow.

Guaranteed Income: Dependence or a Chance to Escape Poverty?
Many national governments have responded to the sharp rise in poverty during the pandemic with new social support programmes, including direct cash payments. During a joint seminar between the HSE Institute for Social Policy and the World Bank held as part of work conducted by the Human Capital Multidisciplinary Research Centre,experts discussed approaches that have been implemented abroad and the prospects of a minimum guaranteed income in Russia.

Group Testing Method Developed for COVID-19
Researchers Mario Guarracino from the HSE Laboratory of Algorithms and Technologies for Networks Analysis in Nizhny Novgorod and Julius Žilinskas and Algirdas Lančinskas from Vilnius University, have proposed a new method of testing for COVID-19. This group method allows results to be obtained 13 times faster as compared to individual testing of each sample. The research paper was published in the journal Scientific Reports.

From Shocks and Crises to Inequality, the Environment and Coronavirus: HSE University in Perm to Host 8th iCare Conference
On September 21, 2020, the HSE University - Perm will hold its eighth iCare — International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (and Finance and Management). This year, the event will be held online for the first time, and participants will not only be able to give presentations, but will also have the opportunity to talk in informal ‘virtual rooms’.

iCare6 Helps Mark 20th Anniversary of HSE Perm
On September 20-21, the Perm campus of the Higher School of Economics hosted the sixth International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCare6), an event that focuses on research with applications to and implications for real-life problems. The conference acronym reflects its motto: iCare = I care.
HSE Lecturer Participated in Conference on City Branding in London
The largest football event in the world, the FIFA World Cup 2018, is rapidly approaching. For the 11 Russian cities chosen to host the World Cup, this is assumed to be a powerful impulse for social and economic development. The preparation for this event is well underway, and the organisers face a lot of different challenges.
Petr Parshakov Presents his Latest Research at the University of Vigo
Petr Parshakov, Academic Supervisor of the MA programme in Finance, presented the results of his research ‘Team vs. Individual Tournaments: Evidence from Prize Structure in eSports’, co-authored by Dennis Coates and implemented as part of his PhD thesis, at the University of Vigo.

Academic Communication or Why Pokemon Go is Sport
A videoconference with students from the California University of Pennsylvania has been held as part of the English minor ‘Language and Communication’.

Eco-friendly Public Procurement Discussed at HSE Perm
The 2nd international research seminar ‘Public-Private Interaction: Design and Deliberation’ has been held at the HSE campus in Perm. It addressed issues relating to public procurement, public-private partnership (PPP), NGOs and social entrepreneurship. There was also a roundtable discussion on eco-friendly public procurement.