Dmitri Vinogradov at ‘Conference on Household Expectations’
A joint conference of the central banks of Germany and France was held on September 27th and 28th, 2019 at the Bundesbank in Frankfurt. It was dedicated to the empirical analysis of survey data on macroeconomic household expectations.

iCare 2019: Summary
From September 23 to 25, 2019, the International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCare) was held at HSE University-Perm. It brought together more than 50 researchers from around the world. Organizers, keynote speakers, and lecturers shared their impressions about the event and explained why iCare is a place where academic dreams can come true.

HSE-Perm’s Professors and Students at 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics
From July 15th to 17th 2019, Aleksey Kychkin, Associate Professor of the HSE-Perm’s Department of Information Technologies in Business, and Elvira Neganova, Master’s student of Information Analytics in Enterprise Management, took part in the 21st IEEE Conference on Business Informatics (CBI).

Vera Fedotova at The European Conference on Education
Vera Fedotova, Senior Lecturer at the HSE-Perm’s School of Management, took part in The European Conference on Education and presented her paper ‘Prognostic competence and coping strategies of Arabic-speaking and Indian students with regard to their cultural affiliation’.

Professors of HSE-Perm’s School of Foreign Languages at International Conference in New Zealand
From July 8th to 12th, 2019, three faculty members from HSE-Perm’s School of Foreign Languages, Full Professor Tatyana Permyakova and Associate Professors Irina Morozova and Elena Smolyanina all participated in an international conference of the World Communication Association “Global North and Global south: communicative and cultural prospects” (WCA ABC 2019).

Marina Sheveleva Spoke at XVI European Congress of Psychology
Marina Sheveleva, head of the HSE-Perm’s School of Foreign Languages, spoke at the XVI European Congress of Psychology which took place from July 2 to 5, 2019 in Moscow. The congress brought together more than 3000 psychologists, case workers, educators, public officials and other people interested in psychology, from 82 countries.
'The Past Is Something That Is Happening Now'
Ivan Avramenko, Associate Professor of HSE-Perm’s School of Foreign Languages, participated in the annual international conference of the Memory Studies Association in Madrid.
Marina Sheveleva and Elena Kostareva Spoke at The “Cross-cultural Communication Strategies in the Modern World: Language, Education and Culture” Conference
On 7 and 8 December 2018, Marina Sheveleva, head of the School of Foreign Languages, and Associate Professor Elena Kostareva took part in the 4th International Conference “Cross-cultural Communication Strategies in the Modern World: Language, Education and Culture”.
Lecturers of Department of IT in Business Took Part in 10th International Conference KEOD 2018
The KEOD 2018 conference was held between September 18th and 21st at the University of Seville (Spain) as part of the joint IC3K conference on knowledge engineering and ontology development. This conference is a unique forum where researchers from universities and research groups, as well as industry representatives and IT companies (ACM, OMG, etc.) come together.

Ekaterina Zagorodnova Spoke at International Conference in London
24th International Conference on Teaching, Education and Learning (ICTEL) took place at the Imperial College London on 12-13 September. HSE-Perm was represented by Ekaterina Zagorodnova, Dean of the Part-Time Education Faculty of Economics and Management, Associate Professor of the School of Management.