‘If You Can't Scale Your Product to the Country or the World, Why Put the Effort into Creating It?’
Vladimir Makarenko, Fort Telecom Business Development Director, delivered an inspiring lecture at HSE University at the Perm Project Conference. HSE News Service talked to Vladimir about Fort Telecom work, changes in the market and student professional development.

Culture, Arts, Creative Industries, and Tourism Discussed at HSE University’s Conference in Perm
On October 20–22, the second International Conference on Experience Economy: Museum, Event, and Tourism Management was held at HSE University in Perm. Key talks were delivered by Andrea Rurale, the director of the Master’s in Arts Management and Administration at the Bocconi University School of Management, and Guillaume Tiberghien, University of Glasgow.

The Second International Conference on Experience Economy: Key Speakers and Sessions
The 2nd International Conference on Experience Economy: Museum, Event, and Tourism Management will be held at HSE University in Perm from October 20–22. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Region will be the general partner of the conference. The HSE News Service highlights some of the key speakers and sessions of the event.

Exchange Students from Europe and Asia at HSE Perm: First Impressions
In 2019 HSE Perm launched two international mobility programmes for hosting students from foreign universities. Exchange students from Tajikistan and the UK will spend the spring semester in Perm.
Marketing Automation Helps to Increase Sales
How to increase sales through marketing automation? How to motivate a user, who entered the site of an online shop, to make a purchase? These issues were discussed at a regular research seminar of the GAMES group where Dmitry Sergeev, the founder of Carrot Quest company, was a speaker.
Academics from Saint-Petersburg and Perm Shared Their Experience in Research
Big session of the GAMES research seminar took place at HSE-Perm. During one week academics from HSE-Perm and HSE-Saint-Petersburg shared their experience in research.
‘Economics, Behavior and Experiments’ at HSE Perm
An open lecture ‘Economics, Behavior and Experiments’ by Dmitri Vinogradov, Lecturer in Finance at the University of Essex, was recently held at HSE Perm. The lecture was dedicated to experimental methods in economic research.

Kenneth Wang at HSE Perm
Kenneth T. Wang, Associate Professor of Psychology at Fuller Theological Seminary and an expert in management and education psychology, recently visited HSE in Perm to deliver a series of seminars for HSE students, lecturers, and researchers.

Language Teachers Discuss Teaching Issues with International Expert
A seminar ‘Inventing a Whole Language Foreign Language Classroom: Thinking Outside the Box’ by Professor David Schwarzer (PhD in Education, College of Education and Human Services, Montclair State University, United States) was held at HSE Perm as part of collaboration between the School of Foreign Languages at HSE Perm and HSE University District. The event drew 62 English teachers from 16 Perm and 12 Perm region schools.

US Education Expert Gives Seminar at HSE Perm
David Schwarzer (PHd in Education, Montclair State University, USA) has given a seminar on the globalization of educational programmes for lecturers at HSE Perm.