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Tag "research projects"

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Illustration for news: Neuroscientists from HSE University Learn to Predict Human Behaviour by Their Facial Expressions

Neuroscientists from HSE University Learn to Predict Human Behaviour by Their Facial Expressions

Researchers at the Institute for Cognitive Neuroscience at HSE University are using automatic emotion recognition technologies to study charitable behaviour. In an experiment, scientists presented 45 participants with photographs of dogs in need and invited them to make donations to support these animals. Emotional reactions to the images were determined through facial activity using the FaceReader program. It turned out that the stronger the participants felt sadness and anger, the more money they were willing to donate to charity funds, regardless of their personal financial well-being. The study was published in the journal Heliyon.

Illustration for news: Adhesive Tape Helps Create Innovative THz Photodetector

Adhesive Tape Helps Create Innovative THz Photodetector

An international team of researchers, including scientists at HSE University and Moscow Pedagogical State University (MPGU), has developed a novel photodetector composed of a thin superconducting film, capable of detecting weak terahertz (THz) radiation. This discovery holds promise for studying objects in space, developing wireless broadband communication systems, and making advancements in spectroscopy. The study has been published in Nano Letters.

Illustration for news: HSE Researchers Demonstrate Effectiveness of Machine Learning in Forecasting Inflation

HSE Researchers Demonstrate Effectiveness of Machine Learning in Forecasting Inflation

Inflation is a key indicator of economic stability, and being able to accurately forecast its levels across regions is crucial for governments, businesses, and households. Tatiana Bukina and Dmitry Kashin at HSE Campus in Perm have found that machine learning techniques outperform traditional econometric models in long-term inflation forecasting. The results of the study focused on several regions in the Privolzhskiy Federal District have been published in HSE Economic Journal.

Illustration for news: Neuroscientists Inflict 'Damage' on Computational Model of Human Brain

Neuroscientists Inflict 'Damage' on Computational Model of Human Brain

To better understand the mechanisms underpinning semantic dementia

Illustration for news: HSE University Satellites: Three Years in Orbit

HSE University Satellites: Three Years in Orbit

In March 2024, HSE University celebrated an important milestone — the third anniversary of the successful operation in orbit of its first CubeSX-HSE and CubeSX-Sirius-HSE satellites. These spacecraft, created on the basis of the CubeSat platform for Earth observation, continue to function actively, confirming high technological standards and reliability of the university's developments.

Illustration for news: Neural Network Developed at HSE Campus in Perm Will Determine Root Cause of Stroke in Patients

Neural Network Developed at HSE Campus in Perm Will Determine Root Cause of Stroke in Patients

Specialists at HSE Campus in Perm and clinicians at Perm City Clinical Hospital No. 4, have been collaborating to develop a neural network capable of determining the root cause of a stroke. This marks the world's first attempt to create such a system, the developers note.

Illustration for news: Software for Rapid Detection of Dyslexia Developed in Russia

Software for Rapid Detection of Dyslexia Developed in Russia

HSE scientists have developed a software tool for assessing the presence and degree of dyslexia in school students based on their gender, age, school grade, and eye-tracking data. The application is expected to be introduced into clinical practice in 2024. The underlying studies were conducted by specialists in machine learning and neurolinguistics at the HSE AI Research Centre.

Illustration for news: HSE Accepting Applications for Competition of Best Russian-language Scientific and Popular Science Papers

HSE Accepting Applications for Competition of Best Russian-language Scientific and Popular Science Papers

Applications for the fourth HSE University Competition of the Best Russian-language Scientific and Popular Science Papers will be accepted from February 1 to March 15. The authors that receive the highest scores from the expert jury will be awarded on June 6—Russian Language Day. The main goal of the competition is to support and promote Russian language as a language of science, as well as to popularise works affiliated with HSE University among the global Russian-speaking audience.

Illustration for news: Research by HSE University and EISR: After visiting Russia Exhibition, the Vast Majority Feel Proud of their Country and Confident in Tomorrow

Research by HSE University and EISR: After visiting Russia Exhibition, the Vast Majority Feel Proud of their Country and Confident in Tomorrow

The achievements presented at the Russia International Exhibition and Forum make visitors proud of their country, believe 98% of the participants in a recent study prepared by HSE University and the Expert Institute for Social Research (EISR) in January 2024. More than 4,200 respondents took part in the survey.

Illustration for news: Neural Networks of Power: AI Unravels Knots and Tangles in Relationships between Humans, Elves and Hobbits

Neural Networks of Power: AI Unravels Knots and Tangles in Relationships between Humans, Elves and Hobbits

One of the most popular writers of the last century, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, was born on January 3rd. Researchers from HSE University, AIRI and MISSIS have used machine learning to explore the social connections between the characters of his Middle-earth universe. The algorithm managed to create an accurate picture of the social structures and dynamics of the characters' relationships, providing a unique map of interactions in the epic world. The results of the work were published in IEEE Xplore.