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of students and graduates of HSE Moscow are satisfied with the quality of their education. At HSE Perm, this figure is even higher, standing at 84%. These are the results of a survey of students and graduates of leading Russian universities, conducted by Changellenge>> .  HSE’s Perm and Moscow campuses took second and third place, respectively, in the ‘satisfaction with the quality of education’ category.

HSE-Perm Offers Russian as a Foreign Language Course

This course has been developed for international students and Russian citizens who have graduated secondary school and whose native language is not Russian.

Illustration for news: HSE Joins Top 50 in QS Rankings of Young Universities

HSE Joins Top 50 in QS Rankings of Young Universities

Illustration for news: HSE Makes Strides in QS Global Rankings

HSE Makes Strides in QS Global Rankings

The Higher School of Economics (HSE) has improved its position and taken 382nd place in the 2017 QS Ranking, which was published on June 7, 2017.

Illustration for news: 1 Million Users Signed up for HSE’s Online Courses on Coursera

1 Million Users Signed up for HSE’s Online Courses on Coursera

The number of people subscribing to HSE’s online courses on Coursera, one of the world’s most popular online learning platforms, has reached 1 million. Users represent nearly the entire globe, with HSE courses being taken in nearly 200 countries.

Illustration for news: Ten Factors Ensuring Success in Educational Systems According to PISA Author

Ten Factors Ensuring Success in Educational Systems According to PISA Author

On April 14, 2017, Andreas Schleicher, Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills at OECD, spoke at the XVIII April Conference at Higher School of Economics (HSE). In 1999, he invented the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), one of the biggest international comparative studies of education quality. His honorary lecture was dedicated to global trends in the transformation of national education systems.

Illustration for news: CFA Association Executives Visited HSE-Perm

CFA Association Executives Visited HSE-Perm

Neil Withers, President of CFA Association, and Vladimir Tutkevich, CEO of CFA-Russia, visited HSE-Perm. The company leaders told HSE students how to pass an exam to receive the CFA certificate, and what career advantages it gives.

Illustration for news: HSE Enters Top 50 in THE Young University Rankings Under 30 Years Old

HSE Enters Top 50 in THE Young University Rankings Under 30 Years Old

In its 25th anniversary year, HSE has marked new achievements, entering the Top 50 in the Times Higher Education (THE) Young University Rankings among universities under 30 years old, and in the Top 100 in the global Young University Rankings under 50. HSE has become the first Russian university to enter the top list of THE Young Universities, a global institutional ranking. 

Illustration for news: Invitation to Participate in the Russian Language, History and Culture Summer School: White Nights in the Urals in Perm

Invitation to Participate in the Russian Language, History and Culture Summer School: White Nights in the Urals in Perm

The best way to learn Russian language, culture and history is to make an exciting journey to the heart of Russia.

Illustration for news: HSE Leads in 8 Indicators in the Latest U-Multirank Ranking

HSE Leads in 8 Indicators in the Latest U-Multirank Ranking

HSE is among the leaders in 8 out of 35 indicators in the latest U-Multirank ranking, including student mobility, graduate entrepreneurial activity, and income from continuous professional development.