Graduation Project of HSE Art and Design Graduate Wins Grand Prix at ‘Saint Anna’ Film Festival
The 31st ‘Saint Anna’ Open Festival of Student and Debut Films was held in Moscow on April 12th-17th, 2024. Nikolay Kovalenko, graduate of Ivan I. Tverdovsky's workshop in ‘Screen Arts’, received the Grand Prix for his graduation project ‘Lelera’, while his classmate, Alina Sorokina, won the Mosfilm prize.

‘Winnie-the-Pooh and All, All, All’. Poster Exhibition of Graduates of HSE Art and Design School
Until March 15, the exhibition ‘Winnie-the-Pooh and All, All, All’ will be held in the Children's and Youth Department of the Central City Youth Library named after M.A. Svetlov. Graduates of the continuing education programme ‘Illustration. Basic Course’ decided to take a fresh look at A. A. Milne's beloved fairy tale by drawing incredibly colourful posters.

‘Our Beloved University Continues to Stride Forward with Unwavering Confidence’
HSE Rector Nikita Anisimov has congratulated university students, teachers, and staff on the upcoming New Year. ‘May each and every one of you spend these festive days in a heartwarming atmosphere, rejuvenating and reuniting with your families. I hope that the upcoming 2024 is filled with positive events in your lives, studies, and careers,’ he said.

HSE Graduate Eduard Sosnin Becomes Mayor of Perm
On August 22, the deputies of the Perm City Duma elected the new head of the city: Eduard Sosnin, HSE graduate and Minister for Economic Development and Investment of the Perm Region.

HSE University Ranks Second Among Russian Economics Universities by Graduate Pay
The SuperJob jobhunting and recruitment service has published its 2022 ranking of Russian universities by salary. The results are based on a sample of early-career professionals from the 2016–2021 graduating classes and who are now working in economics and finance. HSE University took second place.

HSE University Ranks Third Among Russian Law Schools for Graduates’ Salaries
HSE University has risen from fourth to third place in the Superjob University Ranking in terms of the salaries made by young professionals in the legal field who graduated in 2014–2019. According to the ranking’s authors, our graduates can expect to earn an average of 100,000 rubles a month in Moscow.

Four Campuses and One Long-Awaited Headliner: HSE University-Wide Graduation to Be Held on July 3
This year for the first time in HSE history, the graduation ceremony will take place at one time for all four HSE campuses. Almost 11,000 students from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, and Perm will gather online to bid the university farewell and celebrate the next chapter in their lives.

HSE University Places Second on Superjob Alumni Salary Ranking of Russian Economics Universities
HSE University alumni working in economics and finance, earn an average of 115,000 rubles a month in their first five years of work after graduation. This is the second best result among universities, according to data from the Superjob job search website.
HSE University Places Second in Demand for Graduates Among Employers in RAEX Ranking
For three years already, HSE University has appeared in the Top-5 of Russia’s best universities according to the RAEX Ranking. In terms of demand for graduates among employers, HSE University has risen to the second place, while also improving its indicator for ‘environment for high-quality learning’.

HSE University Makes Top 5 for Salaries of Early Career IT Professionals
SuperJob, a job search service, has published a ranking of technical universities based on earnings of graduates in the 2014-2019 cohort. HSE University has improved its position this year, rising from seventh to fifth place in the ranking.