Perm campus at the April conference
At the XVII international scientific April conference at NRU HSE (Moscow) the delegation of Perm campus spoke at 14 sessions. Speakers from the school of management, school of economics and finance, the group for state-private interaction studies, International laboratory of intangible-driven economy and Group for applied markets and enterprises studies took part in the conference.
Why do we make rash decisions?
PhD Sofya Kulikova, senior research fellow of Scientific training laboratory for interdisciplinary empirical studies of NRU HSE-Perm, told in her interview to how our brain works, why hormone oxytocin makes us more trustful and that we like to drink expensive wine more even if it does not differ from cheap wine. Neuroeconomics studies all that.

Is Everything Explained by Weather?
At the GAMES research group seminar the participants discussed how weather influences electric power consumption. Evgeniya Popova, junior research fellow, told about her study where she was determining the dependence of power consumption on temperature with the help of non-parametric estimation.
listeners attended events during the Brain Awareness Week at HSE-Perm. On April 10, PhD Sofya Kulikova, Senior Research Fellow of the HSE-Perm's Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies, will give a lecture to young researchers (from 6 to 10 years).
lectures on neuroeconomics during the International Brain Awareness Week will be read by PhD Sofya Kulikova, Senior Research Fellow of the HSE-Perm's Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies. Everybody is invited!

About science in simple words
PhD Sofya Kulikova, Senior Research Fellow of the HSE-Perm's Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies, became a winner of all-Russian contest of popular scientific articles “In simple words about complex things”.
Transport accessibility significantly increases the price of dwelling
Each new public transport line in a district increases the price of an apartment by 1%, as it was found out by Aleksandra Sidorovykh, the member of Scientific training laboratory for interdisciplinary empirical studies of NRU HSE-Perm.
How to overcome the restrictions of formal concept analysis?
At the regular seminar of GAMES research group the new member of the group Aleksey Buzmakov (PhD) presented his thesis work focused on formal concept analysis for structured data mining.
Who reduces prices on real estate faster: realtors or individual sellers?
During a joint seminar of the GAMES research group and research and training group “Empirical demand estimation”, Evgeniy Ozhegov, lecturer of HSE-Perm's School of Economics and Finance, presented a study focused on sellers’ behaviour on the secondary real estate market. The project is at the final stage: the author needed a feedback from colleagues before the publication of an article.