How to measure the amount of white matter in the brain using MRI?
At the regular GAMES seminar, Leading Research Fellow Sofya Kulikova presented her study and read a popular scientific lecture about human brain structure.
"Brain hour for children"
PhD Sofia Kulikova, senior research fellow of Scientific and training laboratory for interdisciplinary empirical studies of HSE-Perm, will read popular scientific lecture “Brain hour for children” within the framework of the “City civil weekend” activities.
Why do we make rash decisions?
PhD Sofya Kulikova, senior research fellow of Scientific training laboratory for interdisciplinary empirical studies of NRU HSE-Perm, told in her interview to Properm.ru how our brain works, why hormone oxytocin makes us more trustful and that we like to drink expensive wine more even if it does not differ from cheap wine. Neuroeconomics studies all that.
listeners attended events during the Brain Awareness Week at HSE-Perm. On April 10, PhD Sofya Kulikova, Senior Research Fellow of the HSE-Perm's Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies, will give a lecture to young researchers (from 6 to 10 years).
lectures on neuroeconomics during the International Brain Awareness Week will be read by PhD Sofya Kulikova, Senior Research Fellow of the HSE-Perm's Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies. Everybody is invited!