HSE Staff Members at Conference on Modern Econometric Tools and Applications
Research Fellows of the Group for Applied Markets and Enterprises Studies Alina Buzanakova and Evgeniy Ozhegov took part in the 3rd International Conference ‘Modern Econometric Tools and Applications – META2016’ that was held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod.
Agatha Lozinskaya attended the AREUEA conference
Agata Lozinskaia, senior lecturer of the School of economics and finance, junior research fellow of the Group for applied markets and enterprises studies, took part in the international conference organized by The American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) in the University of Alicante (Spain).
Who reduces prices on real estate faster: realtors or individual sellers?
During a joint seminar of the GAMES research group and research and training group “Empirical demand estimation”, Evgeniy Ozhegov, lecturer of HSE-Perm's School of Economics and Finance, presented a study focused on sellers’ behaviour on the secondary real estate market. The project is at the final stage: the author needed a feedback from colleagues before the publication of an article.