Seminar On Cyber-Physical Systems by Stefan Vöth at HSE University-Perm
The HSE University-Perm held a seminar titled ‘Object-Oriented Modeling in OpenModelica for Cyber-Physical System Applications’. Professor Stefan Vöth, Dr.-Ing., from Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola (Bochum, Germany) spoke at the III Perm Digital Forum and also delivered lectures and workshops on methods of creating digital models for different technical systems.

Professor Dean Fantazzini of Moscow State University Delivers Course on Data Analysis at HSE-Perm
HSE-Perm’s School of Economics and Finance has held a refresher training course, ‘Time Series in R’, led by Professor Dean Fantazzini of Moscow State University (MSU). Professor Fantazzini is the Deputy Head of MSU’s Moscow School of Economics and the programme Chair of Econometrics and Mathematical Methods in Economics.

‘Nitra is the City of St. Cyril and Methodius’: A Lecture by Professor Ján Zozuľak
On June 6, Ján Zozuľak, professor from the Konstantin the Philosopher University in Nitra, Slovakia, visited HSE-Perm. The professor delivered a short lecture on the history of his city. Next year students in history from HSE-Perm will be able to go to Nitra on an exchange through the Erasmus+ programme.

Fernando Tejerina Gaite and Felix Lopez Iturriaga at Master’s Programme in Finance
Between October 1st and 3rd, two professors from the University of Valladolid (Spain), Fernando Tejerina Gaite and Felix Lopez Iturriaga, delivered lectures for 1st and 2nd year Master’s students in Finance.
Dean Fantazzini at HSE Perm
On September 19-22, Dean Fantazzini, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Moscow School of Economics, Moscow State University’s Chair of Econometrics and Mathematical Methods in Economics, visited HSE Perm. This visit was organized by Agata Lozinskaia, Associate Professor of the School of Economics and Finance, and was aimed at developing research cooperation and enriching educational programmes.

HSE Perm Saw Seminars of Visiting Professor I-Ching Lee
September 21 to 27, I-Ching Lee, professor of National Taiwan University, visited HSE-Perm at the invitation of the School of Management.

Sheila Fitzpatrick: ‘There Are Very Good Historians Here – One Can Learn a Lot from Them’
On September 27, Sheila Fitzpatrick, Professor of Chicago University, delivered a lecture at HSE-Perm on everyday life in the time of Stalin, and on the features of a historian’s work. She talked about the purpose of her visit to Perm and shared her impressions of her interaction with the audience.

‘I See Prospects for the Development of Both Educational and Research Projects’
On September 10 - 15 Nada Matta, Professor at University of Technologies of Troyes (France), visited HSE Perm at the invitation of the ‘Business Informatics’ educational programme. She shared her impressions of the Perm campus and spoke about the prospects for cooperation between the universities in the near future.

Andrea Gullotta From University of Glasgow Visited HSE-Perm
In mid-April Andrea Gullotta, professor of the University of Glasgow, came to Perm. Dr. Gullotta’s research interests are literature of GULAG prisoners and also the history and culture of Russia.

French Scientist Amedeo Napoli Gave Lectures for HSE-Perm Students
From 29 November to 1 December Amedeo Napoli, head of the Orpailleur research group, Laboratory of Lorraine, gave a number of lectures on description logic for students of “Business-informatics” and “Software engineering” educational programmes.