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Regular version of the site
Parental involvement and the educational trajectories of youth in Russia

Prakhov I., Kotomina O., Sazhina A.

International Journal of Educational Development. 2020. No. 78. P. 102252.

Book chapter
Sustainable Universities as an Essential Element of Education for Sustainable Development

Kotomina O., Tretyakova E.

In bk.: E3S Web of Conferences. Volume 208. First Conference on Sustainable Development: Industrial Future of Territories (IFT 2020). Iss. 208. 2020.

Working paper
Parental Involvement and the Educational Trajectories of Youth in Russia

Kotomina O., Prakhov I., Sazhina A.

Education. EDU. Высшая школа экономики, 2019. No. 53/EDU/2019.

Tag "econometrics" – News

“Inspiration will come itself, but without work it can be waited forever”

“Inspiration will come itself, but without work it can be waited forever”
Evgeniy Ozhegov, Senior Lecturer of department of Economics and Finance, junior research fellow of the Group for Applied Markets and Enterprises Studies (GAMES), NRU HSE-Perm, told us what inspires him for new research, about the trends in econometrics and also shared his opinion, should scientific projects be applied or not. We publish the second part of Evgeniy’s interview for Perm branch site.