Perm Term: Durham University Students Share Their Impressions
During four months, students of the University of Durham (UK) studied Russian and history at the Higher School of Economics in Perm as part of 'Perm Term' programme (a semester in Perm). This programme was first organized by HSE in 2019 in cooperation with the School of Modern Languages and Cultures of the University of Durham. The semester came to an end, and students Phoebe, Athena, Madeleine and Eleanor shared their impressions of this experience.

Exchange Students from Europe and Asia at HSE Perm: First Impressions
In 2019 HSE Perm launched two international mobility programmes for hosting students from foreign universities. Exchange students from Tajikistan and the UK will spend the spring semester in Perm.

‘I See Prospects for the Development of Both Educational and Research Projects’
On September 10 - 15 Nada Matta, Professor at University of Technologies of Troyes (France), visited HSE Perm at the invitation of the ‘Business Informatics’ educational programme. She shared her impressions of the Perm campus and spoke about the prospects for cooperation between the universities in the near future.

Sheila Pattle: “I did not know what to expect from Perm; I did not search the internet about the city, but it was a pleasant surprise to me”
Sheila, PhD student from Durham university, talks about her work in the State archive of Perm region, her passion to Russian culture and things in Perm that were a welcome surprise to her.