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HSE Perm International Office

International Office Regulations 

The International Office was established to promote the international activities of the Perm campus of the Higher School of Economics and to strengthen its reputation within the international educational and scientific communities. It also aims to increase enrolment of foreign students and students without citizenship, including through the expansion of admissions channels. Its primary activities include:

  • Expanding cooperation with foreign universities and other higher education and science organizations;
  • Planning, providing organizational support and coordinating international activities of HSE Perm;
  • Attracting foreign students and students without citizenship, including Russians living abroad, for higher education programmes, continuing education programmes and exchange programmes.

The International Office undertakes activities that aim to develop international partnerships between HSE Perm and foreign universities and other higher education organizations, including negotiations and other interaction with their representatives. Other functions of the International Office include:

  • Identifying opportunities for and concluding agreements between HSE Perm and foreign universities and research centres, as well as educational and consulting agencies engaged in international student recruiting;
  • Advising HSE Perm’s educational, research and administrative units, as well as employees and students, on opportunities for developing international cooperation;
  • Recruiting foreign students to come to HSE Perm;
  • Organizing admissions of foreign citizens seeking enrolment at HSE Perm;
  • Helping foreign students at HSE Perm adapt, including those who are part of international academic mobility programmes;
  • Coordinating internationalization activities at HSE Perm;
  • Cooperating with Russia’s Ministry of Education and Science on issues concerning the admission of foreign citizens to the Higher School of Economics.


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