Online Games for the Virtual Classroom: Instructors Learn New Tools in Workshops Hosted by Teach for HSE
In early December, Teach for HSE, a programme aimed at helping HSE instructors expand their teaching methods and skills, held a series of master classes on how to integrate online games into one’s teaching. The master class was led by winners of the spring competition held by the Fund for Educational Innovation, and it was open to instructors of all HSE campuses.
HSE Launches VR Live Streaming System for Students
HSE University together with the mobile network operator company MTS have launched a 360° live streaming system that supports VR format for remotely taught courses. HSE students can now attend lectures online both in regular format and, for the first time in Russia, in augmented reality format. Six lecture halls on HSE’s Moscow campus are now equipped with 360° panoramic video cameras and auto tracking cameras that follow the instructor’s movement in the classroom.
Terra Incognita No More
Dr Sergey Roshchin serves as Vice Rector with responsibilities in development and implementation of degree programmes, continuous education, and eLearning. He also heads the Laboratory for Labour Market Studies. Dr Roshchin shared with The HSE Look his thoughts on the development of HSE as a digital university.
Second EU Model to Take Place at HSE University in St. Petersburg in November
This year, HSE University’s EU Model game and conference will be an intercampus event that will be held online. The organizers are confident that the event will attract students in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, and Perm who are interested in European policy, EU law and international relations.
Prospective Students Can Now Attend HSE Master’s Programme Lectures Online
HSE University is pleased to announce the launch of Class Experience, a programme designed for international students who are interested in learning more about master’s studies at HSE University. The programme application period begins on October 22. Once accepted to the programme, participants can attend lectures offered by all four campuses of HSE University
HSE University Moves All Lectures to Online Format
Starting October 26, 2020, lectures at all HSE University campuses will be held online. At the same time, the University’s buildings remain open to students and staff. Seminars will mostly remain offline. However, it is possible that some will also be transferred online.
HSE’s Digital Transformation Achievements Presented at Yandex Conference
On September 23– 25, Yandex held the Yandex Scale 2020 conference on new digital products and services. The conference included practical sessions on machine learning, data processing, analysis and other topics, as well as cases of the company’s customers and partners. One such case, concerning the evolution of a digital university, was presented by Alexey Chukarin, HSE University’s Senior Director for Digital Transformation.
‘The Advantages of HSE University’s Master’s Programmes Lie in the Extraordinary Diversity of What the University Has to Offer’
While studying in HSE University’s master’s programmes, students receive an education that is developed with an eye towards specific professional markets, they can pursue research tracks, and they can even design their own individual curricula that incorporate coursework and expertise different programmes. HSE Vice Rector Sergey Roshchin discusses these benefits and others of HSE University’s master’s programmes.
'Online Learning Is Something New That Is Changing Me—And the World'
Vitaliy Mingalev, Senior Lecturer at the Sociology and Humanities Faculty of the HSE campus in Perm, has taught for almost 20 years in various higher educational establishments in town, as well as at schools, lyceums and continuing education centres. Nevertheless, the total shift to online education has been a new teaching experience for him. He shared his thoughts about the new format with the portal’s news service.
HSE International Student Admissions to Continue as Usual for the 2020/2021 Academic Year
In the event of unfavorable conditions or border closures due to the pandemic, HSE University will be organizing online learning with mandatory support from professors for newly enrolled international students. To do this, the University has all the required infrastructure.