How to Benefit from Foreign Investments: They Do Not Guarantee Success in Themselves
Research fellows from HSE-Perm’s International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy (ID Lab) Anna Bykova and Carlos Jardon found out that in order to get maximum use from foreign partners, Russian companies need to invest in intellectual resources.
ID Lab’s Research Fellow Anna Bykova Spoke at the University of Vigo
On 18 December, at the seminar organized under the authority of ECOBUS at the University of Vigo, Anna Bykova, Associate Professor of the School of Economics and Finance, Research Fellow of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, presented the findings of the research conducted together with Carlos Jardon – “The mediation role of companies’ dynamic capabilities for business performance excellence: insights from foreign direct investments”.

IDlab Has Participated in Series of Workshops and XVIII April Conference
International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy took part in a series of research seminars at HSE in Saint Petersburg and Moscow, and also presented research findings at XVIII April International Conference in Moscow.