HSE University to Reward Students Who Write Their Thesis Using AI
HSE University has launched a competition for solutions using artificial intelligence technology in theses work. The goal of the competition is to evaluate how students use tools based on generative models in their 2024 graduation theses (GT).

HSE University to Reward Students Who Write Their Thesis Using AI
HSE University has launched a competition for solutions using artificial intelligence technology in theses work. The goal of the competition is to evaluate how students use tools based on generative models in their 2024 graduation theses (GT).

Adidas Bomber Jacket Patch Design Competition Now Open at HSE
HSE students are invited to participate in a design competition in which a series of three illustrations will be selected. Submissions will be accepted until May 22. The winning patch projects will be set in the form of stripes on adidas bomber jackets. The author of the best work will travel to the head office of adidas in Germany.

Golden HSE 2018 Winners Announced
The winners are 16 staff members in seven ‘golden’ categories and 21 students in the ‘Silver Nestling’ category. The winners of the ‘Golden Citation’, which is awarded to the most cited HSE scholar, have also been announced. The awards ceremony was held on November 27, on the HSE's birthday.