iCARE to Take Place in Essex
In 2016 the forth International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCARE ) will take place at the Essex Business School, University of Essex, Colchester. The event is organized in cooperation with Essex Business School, HSE Perm academic partner. The event will be held on September 26-27.
The conference participants will discuss a wide range of issues on applied economics. The conference traditionally focuses on research applied to real-life problems. Lecturers, scholars, researchers and doctoral students are welcome to participate. Authors who plan to take part in the event, can submit their papers on labour and education economics, industrial markets, finance and banks, corporate finance, world economy, development economics, political economy and other areas. Deadline for submission is May 15. The best works will be published in British Journal of Management.
This year keynote speakers of the conference are Michael Ehrmann, Chief of Economic and Financial Research at the Bank of Canada, and Michael Keane, Professor of Economics at the University of Oxford.
Mr. Ehrmann’s primary research interests include international finance, central bank communication and monetary policy transmission. Keane works in numerous areas including labor economics, econometrics, consumer demand models, marketing, industrial organization, health economics, and trade.
For further information please visit the webpage.