Movement Recovery after Stroke Depends on the Integrity of Connections between the Cerebral Cortex and the Spinal Cord
A team of scientists, with the first author from the HSE University, were investigating which factors are the most important for the upper limb motor recovery after a stroke. The study is published in Stroke, the world's leading journal for cerebrovascular pathology.

French Scientist Amedeo Napoli Gave Lectures for HSE-Perm Students
From 29 November to 1 December Amedeo Napoli, head of the Orpailleur research group, Laboratory of Lorraine, gave a number of lectures on description logic for students of “Business-informatics” and “Software engineering” educational programmes.
E-Mail Marketing and Coproduction at Elementary School Discussed at GAMES Seminar
What information should be contained in an e-mail advertising message so that a customer noticed it and the product sales increased? How do parents’ extra-curricular activities influence the academic performance of children at elementary school? The participants of the GAMES seminar tried to answer these questions.
Academics from Saint-Petersburg and Perm Shared Their Experience in Research
Big session of the GAMES research seminar took place at HSE-Perm. During one week academics from HSE-Perm and HSE-Saint-Petersburg shared their experience in research.
How to Predict Attendance of Theatre Performances: Discussion at GAMES Seminar
Will the theatre auditorium be full of spectators or will the seats remain empty? Which factors does it depend on? For any theatre the prediction of attendance for specific plays is an important vital task while for academics it is an interesting research work.