How to Predict Attendance of Theatre Performances: Discussion at GAMES Seminar
Will the theatre auditorium be full of spectators or will the seats remain empty? Which factors does it depend on? For any theatre the prediction of attendance for specific plays is an important vital task while for academics it is an interesting research work.
HSE Staff Members at Conference on Modern Econometric Tools and Applications
Research Fellows of the Group for Applied Markets and Enterprises Studies Alina Buzanakova and Evgeniy Ozhegov took part in the 3rd International Conference ‘Modern Econometric Tools and Applications – META2016’ that was held at HSE Nizhny Novgorod.

What influences the price of theatre tickets?
At the ordinary seminar of the GAMES research group Alina Buzanakova, the research assistant, participant of Research Training Group “Empirical demand estimator”, presented her paper. She revealed the results of a study, focused on estimation of demand function for the performing art through the example of Perm opera and ballet theatre.