GAMES Member's Article Accepted for Publication in Journal of European Real Estate Research
The article of Evgeny Ozhegov, junior research fellow of the GAMES group, was accepted for publication in the Journal of European Real Estate Research.
Research of Alina Buzanakova (GAMES research assistant and junior participant of Research Training Group “Empirical demand estimator”) was awarded as the best bachelor’s research paper at Economical Analysis school in 2016.

About science in simple words
PhD Sofya Kulikova, Senior Research Fellow of the HSE-Perm's Laboratory of Interdisciplinary Empirical Studies, became a winner of all-Russian contest of popular scientific articles “In simple words about complex things”.
We congratulate Agata Lozinskaia on the defense of her thesis!
The defense of a thesis for a Candidate of Sciences degree by Agata Lozinskaia, Senior lecturer of the School of Economics and Finance, Junior Research Fellow of the Research Group for Applied Markets and Enterprises Studies of the HSE-Perm, took place at the HSE (Moscow).