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Student Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

© Daniil Prokofyev

From December 19 to 26, the HSE University Student Council will hold a referendum on approving the Student Code of Conduct. We publish the final draft of the document and invite students to participate in the discussion.

The working group on the development of the code published various versions of the document, collected comments, edited the text, held meetings with students, and in May 2020 participated in a meeting of the International Expert Council headed by Nobel laureate Eric Maskin. The world leading scholars highly assessed the proposed project and made their adjustments.

You can share with us what you think about the code and how, in your opinion, we should organize the voting procedure via the email: referendum.hse@gmail.com or personal messages in the VK group.

Code of Conduct for HSE University Students

HSE University’s student community (including undergraduates, doctoral students and HSE Lyceum learners) brings together talented and ambitious people. We represent a diverse array of cultures, countries, cities, political and religious views, but we share the same academic and ethical values, coupled with a common interest in the development of both our community and the University itself.
This Code of Conduct articulates and sets forth the foundational norms to be shared by the University’s student community. Together with HSE University’s Statement of Values, this Code is the ethical foundation for our institution, its activities and all for which it stands, whereby all undergraduates, doctoral students and lyceum learners are guided in research work, studies and general academic life. Furthermore, this Code of Conduct shall be considered the natural development of the provisions found in HSE University’s Statement of Values, while also following global academic standards, with due consideration of the key features of student life and activities at our University.

1. Academic Integrity and Freedom

1.1 At HSE University, it is our goal to eagerly pursue and identify scientific truth. With this in mind, we recognize and accept the varying views and belief systems held by our many students, teachers and researchers. Nevertheless, scientific knowledge is more important to us than personal disagreements. Thus, it is our objective to make sure that our individual views and values do not overshadow new knowledge or limit our academic and research efforts.

1.2 We are eager to cultivate our ability to critically analyze any new information, including our own research outcomes. We see this as a core quality for each and every participant in the HSE University community. In our research activities, we are guided by proper scholarly methods and professional standards. Also, we always welcome constructive criticism, as long it is presented in a respectful manner, regardless of with whom it originates or to whom it may be addressed.

1.3 We must respect the opinions and views of other students, teachers and researchers, while also freely expressing our positions on various academic and professional subjects, all while guided by academic ethics.

1.4 We highly value academic freedom at HSE University: the ability to freely exchange opinions and ideas in all fields based on the principles of scientific rigour. We fully support interdisciplinary and interfaculty research initiatives and the work of international research teams.

1.5 We are open to different methodological and ideological scientific approaches. We are therefore ready to make an informed (well-grounded and in good conscience) choice of a field of research.

2. Honesty and Transparency

2.1 Freedom of speech and self-expression is an integral part of the University's culture and a right of each and every student.

2.2 We respect and support the right of our academic community to openly, constructively and honestly voice their concerns. At the same time, we report all relevant issues accurately and avoid any deliberate misrepresentation of information. In turn, HSE University is obliged to undertake all measures necessary to rectify such problems and protect the students who have brought them to our attention.

2.3 Simply reporting a problem cannot serve as grounds to amend academic criteria for those who have reported the issue, or to impose disciplinary or other sanctions on them.

2.4 HSE University strongly opposes all forms of corruption, favouritism and nepotism in the study process, research and extracurricular activities at our institution. We strongly adhere to principles of equality and aim to avoid any conflicts of interest. Should a conflict of interest arise, we must declare it immediately in writing or verbally.

2.5 We shall not accept any cheating in studies or research, such as plagiarism, falsified results, copying and bribery. In all dealings with HSE University, its students and community, we aim to combat any double standards or instances of fraud as they arise.

2.6 Misappropriation of students’ and teachers’ intellectual property or works is unacceptable. When taking part in group projects and joint activities, we must honestly assess contributions made by other participants, while also not taking credit for others’ success or foisting responsibility or obligations upon our peers without any reason.

2.7 We believe that none of our undergraduates, doctoral students or lyceum learners should be considered guilty of any wrongdoing until it is duly proven as per the established procedure; everyone is entitled to use all available options to defend their position.

3. Partnership and Collaboration

3.1 Communication and collaboration at HSE University are centered on such principles as equality, mutual respect, trust, integrity and readiness to engage in both dialogue and mutual support.

3.2 We strive to maintain an atmosphere of trust and support at our institution. As part of our joint efforts, we engage in open discussion with one another regarding pressing and important issues, with a view to cultivating a comfortable environment where various opinions may be expressed. In our discourse, we welcome criticism, but it must always be accurate and dispassionate. We always show respect when dealing with differing positions. Furthermore, we are willing to listen to counterarguments and ready to adjust our positions based on provided arguments.

3.3 We unconditionally respect personal privacy and secrecy of correspondence.

3.4 We respect each other’s personal psychological comfort and strive to build a community free of excessive pressure and moral distress. We understand that extra help and support may be necessary in certain circumstances and we are ready to handle such situations with respect and sympathy, while also offering support to students, teachers, researchers and administrative staff experiencing hardship or troubles. In addition, every student is entitled to psychological assistance in difficult situations.

3.5 Our community is ready to assist new students and guests at HSE University so that they can tap our university-wide and faculty cultures, as well as provide altruistic aid to community members who may need it owing to specific circumstances.

3.6 We treat other students, teachers, staff and guests at HSE University with due respect and should expect the same in return.

4. Equality and Non-discrimination

4.1 As part of our studies, we expect an objective assessment of our knowledge and skills on the basis of transparent criteria, which should be made accessible to all. We are also guided by these principles for the purpose of gauging the contributions made by other students, as well as teachers and staff, to accomplished works and projects.

4.2 In no way shall biased attitudes and discrimination be permitted on the basis of sexual and gender identity, race, skin colour, nationality, language, origin, property status, family status, social position or occupation, age, sexual orientation, mental or physical health, appearance, citizenship, place of residence, attitude towards religion, political beliefs, involvement, or lack thereof, in public organizations and social associations, as well as any other individual characteristics. Such attitudes are not welcome at HSE University on the part of all students, staff and teachers. We strive to ensure equal opportunities in all academic functions in the course of our interactions.

4.3 No student, group of students, teacher or staff member may impose their views on other learners, teachers or staff members at the University.

4.4 We do not accept any form of physical or psychological abuse, which may be committed against persons both online and offline. Sexual harassment or coercion into intimate activities shall not be tolerated with respect to students, teachers and staff members alike. In addition, unwanted attention or uninvited physical contact, whether directed at persons of the same sex or the opposite sex, is not acceptable.

4.5 Romantic and sexual relations should not impact on equality in the study process. Therefore, in such instances, we expect the University to propose means for averting potential conflicts of interest, including transfers to other groups, replacement of academic supervisors, or other effective actions. Furthermore, we may count on psychological assistance should such situations arise, based on the principles of strict confidentiality

5. Taking Part in University Life and Administration

5.1 We are keenly interested in the University’s development through boosting its global competitiveness, enhancing the quality of its educational processes, services and infrastructure, cultivating an active extracurricular life and ensuring demand for our graduates on the job market and in academia.

5.2 We welcome proactive participation in the administration of the University coupled with a responsible approach to elections to student self-government bodies.

5.3 We expect student self-government bodies to make important decisions on the basis of a preliminary analysis of opinions expressed by undergraduates, doctoral students and lyceum learners. At HSE University, we are eager to discuss relevant issues with student self-government bodies and reach decisions with due consideration of their opinion.

5.4 We are enthusiastic about updating and maintaining our campus infrastructure and therefore treat the University’s property with due care. Moreover, we are ready to plan out detailed transformations of our buildings and spaces within.

5.5 We welcome the involvement of alumni in the development of the University and are eager to maintain contact with our alma mater long after graduation.

5.6 We welcome the engagement of other students, teachers and staff in honest and open discussions of all important matters regarding the University’s operations and aim to settle whatever problems or conflicts that may arise, while also adhering to such core principles as partnership and mutual understanding.

6. Social Activism and Political Neutrality

6.1 Regardless of our public position, we shall unconditionally respect the rule of law and order.

6.2 HSE University’s third mission is of utmost importance to our community, whereby we aim to be useful and beneficial to the public and society at large, since our own academic family is an integral part of it.

6.3 In our social and extracurricular engagements, we look to the involvement of the student community and the support of HSE University.

6.4 We do not engage in political activities at HSE University, nor do we take advantage of educational processes, or academic discussions for the purpose of political campaigning. All political discussions at our institution are academic in character and underpinned by finding arguments that meet established criteria of scientific rigour.

6.5 The University’s politically neutral policy does not prevent us from pursuing our own social activist causes.

6.6 We do not make public political pronouncements on behalf of HSE University, its subdivisions, student associations, the entire student community or parts thereof.

7. Final Provisions

7.1 This Code of Conduct stands as a convention and agreement among the HSE University community about appropriate interaction and individual behaviour. 

7.2 This Code of Conduct shall not serve as an HSE University internal bylaw or regulation. Violation of the ethical prescriptions herein does not entail disciplinary action, but nevertheless may be condemned by our community. Furthermore, deliberate and regular violation of the norms in this Code shall be considered an act of disrespect to the University’s students, teachers, staff and the institution itself.

7.3 Any breach of the aforementioned ethical norms is unacceptable to us and, with this in mind, we shall undertake measures to rectify any such violations and have the right to inform the University’s administration and/or its student self-government bodies of such instances.

7.4 This Code of Conduct shall come in effect upon the approval of HSE University’s student community.