HSE Leads in 8 Indicators in the Latest U-Multirank Ranking
HSE is among the leaders in 8 out of 35 indicators in the latest U-Multirank ranking, including student mobility, graduate entrepreneurial activity, and income from continuous professional development.
The U-Multirank project is implemented by a consortium of international experts from the University of Twente, the German Centre for Higher Education (CHE), and other European universities with the participation of Elsevier and financial support from the European Commission. The ranking methodology involved helps users compare universities both by the main areas of activity and by selected indicators, which users can choose at their discretion. The ranking is based on information from universities and results of student surveys.
Student mobility is one of HSE’s leading indicators. Over the past three years the number of students coming to HSE for the academic mobility programme increased by more than 50%. The university’s partnership activity, both signing and implementing cooperation agreements, contributes to these results. ‘Outbound mobility, including short-term programmes, traditionally surpasses the inbound route, ’ says Yulia Grinkevich, Director of HSE Office of Internationalisation. ‘We managed to achieve a balanced number of student exchanges through partnership agreements with international universities. This is vital for these partnerships to be meaningful and mutually beneficial, and for many universities becomes one of the key criteria by which existing cooperation agreements are assessed.’
HSE was also ranked highly according to the indicator ‘Graduate companies,’ which was included for the first time in the ranking. HSE is consistent in striving to be not only a center of research, but also an entrepreneurial university.
The Foundation for Support to Innovative Entrepreneurship, which covers expenses involved in implementing innovation projects and creating student, graduate, and young researchers’ start-ups, is already in operation at HSE. A review of graduate businesses by HSE Alumni Centre in 2016 showed that the most popular areas for entrepreneurship are IT (21% of companies), trade (17%), service activity, advertising and PR, art and leisure, education, etc. Some companies have head offices located in USA, Switzerland, Israel, Spain and elsewhere.
Another indicator for which HSE was ranked highly is income derived from continuous professional development. Over the past four academic years, no less than 25,000 students per year entered HSE continuing education programmes. Over 80 professional retraining programmes and 360 continuing education prgrammes, as well as 14 MBA and Executive MBA and the first DBA programme were also implemented at HSE Moscow in 2016.
In addition to the above achievements, HSE is also ranked as a leader for five other indicators.
Yulia Grinkevich