Students of HSE Perm Took Part in International Conference
The 11th Annual International Conference on Legal Reform in Russia for young researchers and students has taken place in Ekaterinburg.
Over 90 students from Russia and other countries took part in the event. The participants discussed topical issues of information, international and environmental law, and many other legal issues throughout the 14 sections of the conference. During the event they also covered a wide range of topics dedicated to the organization, functioning and reform of domestic and foreign legal systems.
Vlada Kostareva, second-year student of the programme in Jurisprudence took first place in the section on administrative law. A report by Veronika Chelnokova, second-year student of the programme in Jurisprudence took second place in the section on the history of the state and law.
We congratulate the winners and wish them good luck with all their future achievements!