Winners and Awardees of the Student Conference iTELL – 2019
The Department of Foreign Languages of the Higher School of Economics—Perm held an annual interdisciplinary student conference iTELL on February 27. Participants presented more than 30 reports and shared their research results.
This year the number of conference participants from other universities and educational institutions of the city has increased significantly. Participants were impressed by the friendly atmosphere and noticed the importance of the presence of a native speaker among jury members.
This year, participants presented their reports in 5 sections of various profiles.
Winners and awardees
Language and Education Section
1st place — Oksana Altyntseva (PSU)
2nd place — Ekaterina Kostitsyna (Lyceum No. 2, Perm) and Elizaveta Solovyova (PSU)
Technology and IT Section
1st place — Maxim Petukhov (BI-17-1)
2nd place — Anna Elovikova (PI-18-1)
3rd place — Anna Popova (BI-17-2), Alisa Sharipova (BI-18-2)
History and Culture section
1st place — Diana Pavlova (I-18-1)
2nd place — Maxim Lukin (Lyceum No. 2, Perm)
3rd place — Olga Schukina (Lyceum № 1, Berezniki)
Law and Economics Section
1st place — Mikhail Plotnikov (E-18-1)
2nd place — Akmaljon Rakhimov (E-18-1)
Секция Advertising
1st place — Daria Filippova (E-18-2), Polina Medvedeva (PSTU)
2nd place — Arina Khairullina (Lyceum № 2, Perm)

Conference Secretary
It was difficult for the jury members to identify the best ones, since the speakers demonstrated a high level of proficiency in the language, in-depth analysis of the material, creativity, and personal interest in the issues that were being studied. Of course, the results of the speakers - it is also the merit of their professors and academic leaders. Many thanks to them for their professionalism, patience and great contribution to the formation of a new generation!
I really liked the conference, the participants showed a high level of English. I was also surprised by a diverse scientific interest in the field of marketing and advertising.
Law and Economics section

Technology and IT section

History and Culture section

Advertising section
The conference iTELL this year was full of the high level reports, both in terms of the language and in terms of their degree of scientific character. But what is very significant is that students from different Perm universities also participated in this conference! I think this is very important for our students, because participating in iTELL gives them the opportunity to learn what their colleagues from other educational institutions do and to see their own strengths and weaknesses in contrast, which is extremely important for their academic development.
Elizaveta Smirnova
Associate Professor of the Foreign Languages Department
Alexandra Sazhina
Associate Professor of the Management Department