Ten HSE Teams Advance to Semifinal in World Programming Championship
Students from all four HSE campuses have qualified for the semifinal of the ICPC Student Programming World Championship. The quarter-final stages of the tournament were held in the second half of October in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, and Saratov.

‘I See Prospects for the Development of Both Educational and Research Projects’
On September 10 - 15 Nada Matta, Professor at University of Technologies of Troyes (France), visited HSE Perm at the invitation of the ‘Business Informatics’ educational programme. She shared her impressions of the Perm campus and spoke about the prospects for cooperation between the universities in the near future.

HSE Becomes One of Seven Russian Universities to Place in THE BRICS & Emerging Economies Top-50
Higher School of Economics (HSE) has placed on the Times Higher Education Ranking for BRICS & Emerging Economies, taking 48th place out of 300 academic institutions.