The student dormitory of HSE Perm is intended for temporary accommodation and residence for the period of study of non-resident students: bachelor’s, master’s and specialist’s programmes students as well as doctoral students of full-time education.
If vacant places are available, living quarters can be provided to non-resident applicants for the period of entrance examinations, to participants in student mobility programmes and to participants in summer, autumn, winter and spring schools organized by HSE Perm.
Currently, the campus has 3 dormitories.
For Applicants
Referral for check-in is issued by the administration of the dormitories in the presence of an order for enrolment and on the basis of an electronic application filed on time.
If you are an international freshman and you need a place in a dormitory, please tick the appropriate box in your User account.
HSE dormitories in other cities
International Office
Address: Room 205, 38 Studencheskaya st., Perm, Russia, 614070
Viber, WhatsApp: +7 (919) 486 61 31
Dormitories (all queries should be in Russian):
34, Uinskaya street
37a, Boulvevard Gagarina street
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