
HSE University Expands Number of Subjects in the Shanghai Ranking
HSE University has retained its position in the Top 100 of the Academic Ranking of World Universities, otherwise known as the Shanghai Ranking, in sociology and mathematics. The university improved in political science and has also placed in the same group in economics. At the same time, HSE moved to the next group in management and entered new subject areas – psychology and business administration. HSE is the only Russian university ranked in four subjects: Sociology, Management, Business Administration, and Political Science. HSE University is Russia’s leader in economics and ranks in the same group as Moscow State University in mathematics.

HSE University Improves its Position in QS World Rankings
HSE University has improved its position in the QS institutional ranking by 21 places this year, taking 7th place among Russian universities. The advancement comes thanks to a significant improvement in academic reputation and assessment of university graduates by employers.

Professor Dean Fantazzini of Moscow State University Delivers Course on Data Analysis at HSE-Perm
HSE-Perm’s School of Economics and Finance has held a refresher training course, ‘Time Series in R’, led by Professor Dean Fantazzini of Moscow State University (MSU). Professor Fantazzini is the Deputy Head of MSU’s Moscow School of Economics and the programme Chair of Econometrics and Mathematical Methods in Economics.
Teaching Quality Assessment: Module 1
Untill October 21 (23:59) HSE students have an opportunity to assess the quality of their teachers’ work.
HSE Enters ARWU Ranking for the First Time
The Higher School of Economics has entered the Shanghai Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) for the first time. The ranking is known for its strict selection criteria. This year, 12 Russian universities, including 10 participants of Project 5-100, entered the ranking. Until 2016, only 2 representatives of Russia were included- MSU and St. Petersburg State University.
of students and graduates of HSE Moscow are satisfied with the quality of their education. At HSE Perm, this figure is even higher, standing at 84%. These are the results of a survey of students and graduates of leading Russian universities, conducted by Changellenge>> . HSE’s Perm and Moscow campuses took second and third place, respectively, in the ‘satisfaction with the quality of education’ category.

Anna Bykova Delivers Joint Research at University of Maryland
On February 23, Anna Bykova, Research Fellow of the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy (ID Lab), presented joint research with Dennis Coates, on “Economic freedom and its influence on the performance of Russian companies”. The paper was presented at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, US.