HSE Started To Accept Applications From Foreign Students
HSE Perm began accepting applications from foreign students. This year there are 6 Bachelor's programmes and 7 Master's programmes.
Mark that the Bachelor's programme 'History' was upgraded. Graduates of the programme will receive a classic historical education, will learn and apply digital technologies and methods of public history.
There is also a new Master's programme 'Experience Economy: Museum, Event, and Tourism Management'.
How to apply?
1. To apply (both for Bachelor's and Master's programmes you can choose up to two educational programmes), you should create an account of a foreign student on the website: https://perm.hse.ru/en/admissions/.
The entire application procedure, the deadlines for their consideration, the enrollment process and the list of necessary documents for entering the Bachelor's programme are listed here, for the Master's programme application procedure click here.
2. There are as state-paid places as well as fee-paying places.
Foreign citizens who are required a visa to enter the Russian Federation must apply until August 10, 2019. For citizens of countries with a visa-free regime with the Russian Federation the deadline is August 20, 2019.
How to enroll in Bachelor's programme?
As before, the most popular way of entering the Bachelor's programmes for foreign applicants is to pass an internal or remote testing in two subjects. The date and time of online testing can be selected in your account when you apply. According to the test results, applicants will be recommended places with full or partial payment.
Also, foreign citizens can enter HSE within the general competition along with citizens of the Russian Federation. To do this, you must pass either the Unified State Exam or the HSE internal exams in the subjects required for admission.
You can find more about the Bachelor's programmes here.
How to enroll in Master's Programme?
Applicants collect the portfolio in accordance with the programmes requirements and download them using the personal account. If a student applies for two programs, it is necessary to prepare two motivational letters - separately for each programme. Applicants receive a confirmation or rejection within two weeks (note: applications will not be considered during the holidays from December 25 to January 8).
If necessary, the programme can invite the applicant for an interview, which is usually conducted remotely, for example, via Skype. Notification of an invitation to an interview will appear in your personal account, as well as be sent to the e-mail. It is important to keep in mind that if an applicant ignores the invitation for an interview twice, his application will be rejected.
Find all master's programs here.
Good luck with th admissions!
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