‘I See Prospects for the Development of Both Educational and Research Projects’
About Her Trip to Russia
It was my first trip to Russia. Before the trip I only knew that Russia is the country with the largest territory and a developed industrial sector.
Russians are considered to be somewhat difficult to get to know, but it turned out to be wrong: their hospitality and kindness impressed me. I will remember the time I spent in your country.
To me Perm seemed to be a city with a powerful industry and rich history. There are a lot of cultural attractions - museums and theatres – for an industrial city, and I noticed that the city residents are very proud of them.
I managed to visit several museums, as well as the Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theatre, and the Kungur ice cave — I liked this excursion in particular. In France, there are several famous caves, but they are closed to visitors. Also, as an information technology expert, I was impressed by the virtual exhibition about the history of Russia as part of the project ‘Russia – My History’, which integrates information technology, the country’s history and art.
About HSE Perm
HSE Perm seemed to me small, but quite cozy. I was impressed by the HSE lecturers, they turned out to be skilled experts. I noted that there are a lot of young motivated lecturers among the HSE Perm faculty. I hope we’ll be able to work on joint projects. We’ve found a lot in common in academic research.
About seminars and master classes
The course I delivered for the staff of the Department of Information Technology in Business was dedicated to the technology of knowledge engineering and ontological engineering. Our university cooperates closely with enterprises and carries out a lot of research projects for them. During the seminars I spoke about the experience of working on such projects. I hope that this knowledge will be useful for the seminar participants.
About future cooperation between HSE and the University of Technologies of Troyes
The meeting with the Supervisors of the programme in Business Informatics and Dmitry Kashin, Head of HSE Perm International Office, outlined the prospects for cooperation between our universities both in educational and research projects.
I hope that we’ll manage to launch student exchange programmes, and joint master's programmes in ‘Industry 4.0’ and ‘Future Industry & Service’.
As for joint research projects, we have outlined such topics as the use of ontological modeling in energy systems, network modeling, the Internet of things, corpus studies of English language, and research into human-machine interaction.
The Visiting Professor Programme is a great opportunity to establish academic contacts, to exchange experience in research, and to discuss joint work or to implement joint projects. At the round table we discussed possible options for cooperation between our universities. We managed to agree on points of collaboration in the research and education process — and we are glad to invite students of the University of Technologies of Troyes to participate in our summer schools and internships! We also discussed the opportunities for a student mobility programme between the two universities and the potential for organizing a ‘Study Abroad’ semester programme, says Dmitry Kashin, Head of HSE Perm International Office.