In HSE Perm We Trust
“There are few universities in Moldova that was why I had to choose where to study abroad. I know a lot about Russian culture and I chose to study in Russia. The Higher School of Economics has built a reputation of a very good university, and I trust it. Although it was founded not so long ago, it is ranked among top Russian universities and can boast remarkable achievements.
A friend of mine is currently a third-year student of HSE Perm, and before I came here he had told me a lot about the city. Getting used to the climate was a really big challenge for me but I finally learnt to put on warmer clothes and survived.
I think people in Perm do not differ much from people in Moldova, but sometimes I feel they are friendlier and more responsive here. Everyone is very helpful.
I chose to enroll in Business Informatics because it is interesting. My passion for programming goes back to my school days.
HSE Perm is a special world; it is different from what I knew when I went to school. Teachers and staff and my groupmates are just awesome.
You will not find it hard to study here if you attend all lectures and participate in seminars. Everyone is friendly and willing to help students.”
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