Work with Students
Valery Goushchin and Denis Bubnov, the GHR members, set up a study group for amateur research into antiquity. The group was made up of students from the History Department. They met over 15 times between November 2011 and December 2012, with lots of reports made by the students and 5 publications prepared for the student research proceedings, as a result.
November, 2012 saw a most lively debate on the theme “Images of ancient realities in vase painting” which was of particular interest to the group.
In early 2013, the study group was transformed into a student research laboratory. In May, the laboratory held its first research conference to bring together first- and second-year students of the History Department. The best papers were recommended for publication in the student conference proceedings “Symposium Alumni” to be published in 2014.
GHR Senior Research Fellow Maxim Trofimov has organized a theatre club, as part of the study group. They put on a comedy act from “The Grouch” by Menander, a IV century BC author, at the antiquity student research conference on April 11, 2011. At present, the theatre group are rehearsing some excerpts from Aristophanes’ comedy “Frogs”.
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