Before Arrival
Visa Information
Application Form
Question: Do I need to legalize my documents?
Answer: No, if the country that issued these documents is mentioned in this list.
Question: My contract with HSE-Perm has been extended but my visa expires soon, what should I do to extend my work visa?
Answer: There are two main variants how to extend your visa:
1. Outside Russia: If you plan to leave the Russian Federation, HSE can issue a new invitation letter for you. Please inform your coordinator at International Office about your plans and submit all the necessary documents. Also before you enter RF on the entry date per your new visa, please plan you expenses accordingly (visa fees, HIV test, insurance policy, etc.)
2. On the territory of Russia: you should submit required documents to the RF Migration Service in Perm to get your visa extended and stay in RF till you get the new visa. Please consult your coordinator at International Office about the list of documents necessary for the procedure.
Relocation and Accommodation Tips
When moving to Perm, we recommend that you avoid bringing large or heavy furniture, so you can save on the costs of high customs duties and taxes (EUR 4 per kg of gross weight). Russian Federal Customs Service Regulations exempt you from additional customs payments if:
- the gross weight of your goods does not exceed 31kgs;
- the customs cost of goods does not exceed the equivalent of 1000 euros.
Goods for private use can be sent internationally, customs free, via relocation companies if:
- the gross weight of goods does not exceed 31 kgs;
- the customs cost of goods does not exceed the equivalent of 1000 euros.
The list of such goods can be found on the website of the Russian Federal Customs Service.
Generally, international appointments are paid a relocation allowance, which is a lump sum designed to cover expenses associated with the settling-in of tenure-track and postdoc hires at a new location.
Some companies, such as Prime Relocation Services and 2Amovers, provide relocation services and advice on customs procedures. Companies like Move One Inc and Troika Relocations provide settling in services, including property screening and accompanied property viewings.
Renting an apartment
HSE-Perm usually provides new international appointments with initial lodging at one of the HSE Dormitories to give you time to find suitable accommodation. The university does not provide direct assistance in renting an apartment, however International Office can recommend you some trustworthy estate agents and relocation agencies.
Rental prices depend on the different requirements you have for your accommodation. The number of bedrooms, location, parking facilities, interior design, and security features are some key factors influencing the price. More detailed information about the price of apartments is available on the Cost of living in Perm pages.
Household emergency
There are several ways of protecting yourself against the risk of unpleasant household incidents requiring the help of certain specialists (such as plumbers, electricians, pest control teams, etc.)
- Ensuring there is a clause about resolving these situations in the rental contract. The landlord should bear responsibility for troubleshooting issues regarding plumbing, electricity, gas, etc.
- Signing a package agreement with a real-estate agency which includes 24/7 support and problem-solving for the apartment. This type of package is naturally pricier than a regular service.
If a problem arises, you should contact your coordinator at International Office first, explain the situation and ask for help in dealing with the problem.
You can also contact one of the following domestic support companies:
Safety Tips
When moving to Russia, as any foreign country, you may face differences in the cultural and legal environment. To reduce the stress associated with relocation and integration, we highly recommended that you get acquainted in advance with the local administrative rules, safety and security regulations at HSE, its internal rules and guidelines.
Violations and fines in Russia
Within the state security policy you can be stopped by a police officer on the street / in a public place for documents check. Please learn the Guidance on encounters with the police for foreign nationals .
According to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation you can be arrested and fined for:
- Smoking in public places
- Drinking Alcohol and Alcoholic Products in Public Places
- Taking Drugs or Psychotropic Substances in Public Places
- Appearing in Public Places in a State of Alcoholic Intoxication
- Disorderly Conduct
- Causing a disturbance at night-time
Please abstain from smoking and consuming alcohol, including beer, in places other than those specially designated for these purposes, like bars, cafes, clubs.
In addition, please be kindly advised of the following recommendations to avoid most widespread hardships and hazards.
Escape Planning and Fire Safety
At work
- Building evacuation plans are posted on each floor in each HSE-Perm’s building. Learn your building’s plan(s). Know at least two ways out of the building.
- If the smoke alarm or fire alarm sounds, get out of the building quickly and stay out. If you have to escape through smoke, get low and go under the smoke to your way out.
- People responsible for fire safety at HSE-Perm will call the fire department.
Outside work
- Plan places where your family will meet, both within and outside of your immediate neighborhood.
- Become familiar with routes and other means of transportation out of your area. Choose several destinations in different directions so you have options in an emergency.
- Leave early enough to avoid being trapped by severe weather.
- Follow recommended evacuation routes. Do not take shortcuts; they may be blocked.
- Be alert for road hazards such as washed-out roads or bridges and downed power lines. Do not drive into flooded areas.
- If you do not have a car, plan how you will leave if you have to. Make arrangements with family, friends or your local government.
- Stay in the kitchen, when cooking in the apartment. Cook only when you are alert, not sleepy or drowsy from medicine/ alcohol.
Electrical safety
200 VOLTS, 50 Hz is the standard electrical voltage throughout Russia. To use electrical appliances you will need a converter /plug adapter.
For more safety tips, please refer to
If Arrested or Taken to a Police Station
- Avoid walking on the street at night or late in the evening.
- Avoid walking in an unknown neighborhood (unless you are accompanied by a Russian colleague from HSE-Perm’).
- Although we are not working in an industrial environment, to ensure your safety in a foreign country, try to keep the two-man rule: avoid walking alone at any time of the day.
- If you happen to be stopped by the local police, do not panic.
Road safety
Crossing streets
When crossing streets, use marked crosswalks and look carefully before you cross the street. Do not expect cars to stop for pedestrians – sometimes they expect you to stop for them! Do not ever attempt to jaywalk on busy streets.
If you do not speak Russian, it would not be a good idea to take a taxi due to communication problems. However, if you are with a Russian speaker, you can flag down taxis in the street. Agree to a fare before getting in the car.
Suggested taxi services:
For more, please see:
Health Insurance
International employees at HSE shall obtain a health insurance policy valid for the duration of both their contract and stay in the Russian Federation. Minimal insurance coverage requirements shall include:
1) Insurance coverage of no less than 100 000 Russian roubles
2) Doctor's home visits
3) Outpatient visits
4) Repatriation
5) Emergency medical aid (including ambulance and medical treatment of a disease or trauma in hospital)
Health Insurance. Employees with HQS work visa
International faculty at HSE are provided with basic health insurance financed by the university. «INGOSSTRAKH» ( ИНГОССТРАХ) is the health insurance company for 2019 chosen as a result of an annual competitive procurement procedure. Please note that the university has year-long contracts with insurance companies, which means that every January employees receive new health insurance policies.
The insurance is valid in Russia and covers outpatient treatment, inpatient treatment, and dentistry. VHI program 2019 includes Prophylactic Medical Exanimation (PME) as one of the services.
Outpatient treatment in Perm, including dental care and home visits is provided on the basis of:
OJS ‘Alfa-Tsentr Zdorovia’(614045, Perm, Pushkina str., 50)
tel. 8 342 215 45 45
(for home visits arrangement, appointments to physicians, other specialists, including children’s appointments, other issues regarding medical services).
Working Hours:
Monday – Friday from 8 AM to 10 PM
Saturday, Sunday from 9 AM to 7 PM
Outpatient treatment in Moscow, including dental care and home visits is provided on the basis of
‘Medincentre’ of RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Address: 4th Dobryninsky pereulok, building 4, Moscow. Metro station “Dobryninskaya”
Direct phone number: 8 499 237 17 06 - English-speaking staff (for home visits arrangement, appointments to physicians, other specialists, including children’s appointments, other issues regarding medical services etc.).
Working Hours:
Monday – Friday from 8 AM to 9 PM
Saturday from 9 AM to 6 PM
For EMERGENCY medical services, please contact to the 24-hour contact center of "Ingosstrakh" by phone:
«Ingosstrakh» call-center (24 hour) (for all Russian cities) |
emergency medical care:
8 (800) 2003-911 (the call is free from anywhere in Russia)
Please wait for operator’s answer and ask for switching to English speaking operator. Please make sure to provide your or your family members’ names and policy number when calling.
For more information about issues related to medical services, please refer to the webpage of the Office of Staff and Students Benefits.
For other questions regarding your health insurance, you may contact Natalia Romanova at+7 (495) 621 70 78,
HQS Card
What is an HQS card?
This is a work permit for a highly qualified specialist (HQS) on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Front and back of an HQS card
What are the advantages of having an HQS card?
- Duration. The HQS card and consequently the HQS work visa are issued for the duration of the work contract concluded with the employer, but no longer than three years. The card and the visa can be renewed multiple times for periods up to three years based on the duration of the work contract.
- Taxation. One of the benefits of having HQS status in Russia is that the tax rate applied to a salary is reduced to 13% irrespective of an individual’s tax residency status. This reduction comes into effect beginning with the start date of the HQS card, not the start date of the work contract.
- Registration. No registration is required for a stay of up to 90 days in Russia.
Am I eligible for an HQS card?
Research and teaching staff members who are invited to work at HSE can obtain an HQS card if
- they are foreign nationals
- their salary is no less than 83 500.00 Russian roubles per month
- the validity of their passport is at least 3 years from the date of applying for an HQS card
How do I get an HQS card?
Issuance of an HQS card is initiated by the employer, HSE, together with the letter of invitation for the HQS work visa. The employee must receive the HQS card in person from the Federal Migration Service (FMS) upon arrival in Russia. Naturally, before the work permit is collected, the highly qualified specialist does not have authorization to work even with the signed work contract. This is therefore one of the first things that must be done upon arrival. You will be accompanied to the FMS office.
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