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Summary of Degree Programme

Field of Studies

40.03.01 Legal Studies

Approved by
Приказ НИУ ВШЭ - Пермь № от 09.10.2014
HSE University Educational Standard
Last Update
Протокол Академического совета образовательной программы «Юриспруденция» направления подготовки 40.03.01 Юриспруденция № от 25.08.2023
Network Programme


Length of Studies, Mode of Studies, Credit Load

5 years

Full-time, 5 лет обучения - 300 зачетных единиц

Language of instruction


Instruction in Russian with some courses in English

Qualification upon graduation


Double-degree Programme


Use of online learning


2024/2025 Academic year

Corporate and Business Law

Track Supervisor: Erahtina, Olga. S.
Language of instruction: Russian and English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Бакалавр

Public and International Law

Track Supervisor: Tretyakova, Ekaterina S.
Language of instruction: Russian and English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Бакалавр

2023/2024 Academic year

Corporate and Business Law

Track Supervisor: Erahtina, Olga. S.
Language of instruction: Russian and English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Бакалавр
Key learning outcomes:
KOR-3 Demonstrates deep knowledge and understanding of such subject studies as theory and history of state and law, private law, public law, international law
KOR-4 Knows and understands legal concepts, features of the implementation of law in the field of economics
KOR-5 is able to interpret and apply legal norms in accordance with the principles of professional ethics of a lawyer
KOR-6 Possesses methods of collecting, processing, analyzing and combining complex information using modern technologies (including information and legal systems) in applications of professional, scientific and research activities
KOR-7 Demonstrates the results of professional activity (in Russian and in a foreign language) using presentation material
KOR-8 is able to issue and execute legal documents
KOR-9 Forms and argues a personal position regarding the legal phenomenon
Description of the professional field:
PC-1 is able to qualify legal facts and apply the applicable legal norms to them;
PC-2 is able to search, analyze and process legally relevant information through the use of formal legal, comparative legal and other special methods of cognition;
PC-3 is able to work with specialized legal systems (databases) for the purposes of professional legal activity;
PC-4 is able to draw up legal opinions, statements, claims, responses to claims, complaints, appeals, contracts and other legal acts in accordance with the rules of legal technology, regulatory legal and local acts, business practices;
PC-5 is capable of carrying out legal examination of documents;
PC-8 is able to participate in ensuring the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities through consulting, representation in state and local government bodies, Russian and international courts and quasi-judicial bodies, as well as in international organizations;
PC-9 is capable of conducting written and oral communication within the framework of professional communication in Russian;
PC-10 is able to present the results of its professional activity orally, including in the framework of public speeches and discussions;
PC-11 is able to develop regulatory legal acts and acts of local law-making;
PC-12 is able to carry out various types of professional activities and manage them on the basis of legal and professional ethical standards;
PC-13 is capable of conducting analytical research in the field of law;
PC-15 is able to comply with the basic requirements of information security in its professional activity, including in terms of non-disclosure of information constituting legally protected types of professional secrets;
PC-16 is capable of social interaction, cooperation and conflict resolution;
PC-17 is able to maintain a general level of physical activity and health for conducting active social and professional activities;
PC-18 is able to analyze ideological, socially and personally significant problems and processes taking place in society, based on an understanding of universal, humanistic values and their significance for the preservation and development of modern civilization;
PC-19 is able to make socially responsible decisions when carrying out professional activities;
PC-20 is able to flexibly adapt to various professional situations, show creativity, initiative and perseverance in achieving the goals of professional activity.
Description of educational modules:
Specialization "Corporate and business law" of the basic educational program of bachelor's degree with the assignment of the qualification "bachelor" provides for the study of the following blocks:
B.O – general cycle;B.Pr – professional cycle (Major), including: B.Pr.B – basic part, B.DV – elective disciplines;B.M – additional profile (Minor);B.PD practices, project and/or research work;B.F – electives (in addition to the OP);B.GIA – state final certification.The basic part of the educational program is the set of its elements established by the HSE in the educational standard, the variable part of the educational program is the set of its elements established by the developers of individual bachelor's degree programs in this area within the framework of the HSE OS and/or selected by students of these programs.
Within the framework of the basic part of the B.O. cycle, the discipline "Physical Culture" is implemented in full-time education. For full-time education, the volume of this discipline should be at least 400 academic hours, of which at least 360 academic hours should be practical exercises to ensure the physical fitness of students, including professionally applied ones.
The block "Practices, project and research work" includes coursework, practice and preparation of final qualifying work (WRC), as well as research seminars, scientific and practical seminars, workshops, projects, preparation and participation in law competitions.
A term paper (or project) is a written work that is the result of a scientific study devoted to one of the actual problems of law.
Practices: academic and pre-graduate (production). Industrial practice is carried out in organizations and institutions in the field of training, educational practice can be carried out in the structural divisions of the Higher School of Economics. Method of conducting educational practice: stationary. The form of pre-graduate practice: production, to consolidate professional skills. The method of conducting industrial practice: stationary. For the disabled and persons with disabilities, the choice of places for internships is consistent with the requirement of their accessibility for these students.
The preparation of the WRC includes the preparation of a research plan, the search, collection, analysis and synthesis of information on the topic being developed, the study and interpretation of applicable sources of law, work with educational and scientific literature, drafting, discussion with the supervisor and submission of the text of the work to the pre-defense. The form of intermediate certification for this type of project and research activity is the pre-defense of the WRC in English.
The research seminar as a form of support for research activities is aimed at developing and consolidating students' competencies in conducting scientific work in the field of jurisprudence: searching and working with sources, planning research activities, using general and special research methods, structuring and formatting scientific texts, presenting the results of scientific work in written and oral form, as well as participation in the discussion.
The scientific and practical seminar is a supporting type of project work and is aimed at developing students' knowledge, skills and abilities that allow them to engage in applied activities in the field of law.
Project work includes the following possible forms of organization: A workshop is a type of project work aimed at developing professional (instrumental) competencies in demand in specific practical legal activities, including analysis of legal incidents, work with sources, orientation in judicial practice, development of a legal position, drafting procedural documents, presentation of a legal position and others. Projects are a type of research and project work that is implemented in the form of students' participation in the activities of the "Legal Clinic", as well as in individual projects that are carried out at the HSE or by HSE teachers. Preparation for participation in international and Russian law competitions as an optional type of project and research work is organized in the form of trainings.The "State Final Certification" block includes the defense of the final qualifying work (WRC), including preparation for the defense procedure and the defense procedure, as well as an interdisciplinary state examination in the field of training.
Conducting practices and state certification tests using exclusively e-learning, distance learning technologies is not allowed.
When designing and implementing bachelor's degree programs with the qualification "bachelor", the HSE should provide students with the opportunity to master the disciplines of their choice, including, if necessary, specialized adaptation disciplines (modules) for the disabled and people with disabilities.

Public and International Law

Track Supervisor: Tretyakova, Ekaterina S.
Language of instruction: Russian and English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Бакалавр
Key learning outcomes:
KOR-1 Speaks English at least at the safe level B2 on the Pan-European Scale of Levels of Foreign Language Proficiency (CEFR) and studies at the Master's level or conducts professional communication in English
KOR-2 Knows the basic principles of working with data, owns public data analysis tools at the initial level, including programming skills, algorithmization and mathematical methods for solving data analysis problems
KOR-3 Demonstrates deep knowledge and understanding of such subject studies as theory and history of state and law, private law, public law, international law
KOR-4 Knows and understands legal concepts, features of the implementation of law in the field of economics
KOR-5 is able to interpret and apply legal norms in accordance with the principles of professional ethics of a lawyer
KOR-6 Possesses methods of collecting, processing, analyzing and combining complex information using modern technologies (including information and legal systems) in applications of professional, scientific and research activities
KOR-7 Demonstrates the results of professional activity (in Russian and in a foreign language) using presentation material
KOR-8 is able to issue and execute legal documents
KOR-9 Forms and argues a personal position regarding the legal phenomenon.
Description of the professional field:
PC-1 is able to qualify legal facts and apply the applicable legal norms to them;
PC-2 is able to search, analyze and process legally relevant information through the use of formal legal, comparative legal and other special methods of cognition;
PC-3 is able to work with specialized legal systems (databases) for the purposes of professional legal activity;
PC-5 is capable of carrying out legal examination of documents;
PC-6 is capable of detecting, suppressing, uncovering, investigating and qualifying crimes and other offenses, including corrupt behavior;
PC-7 is able to understand the causes, nature and consequences of crime; to prevent crimes and other offenses, to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to their commission;
PC-8 is able to participate in ensuring the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities through consulting, representation in state and local government bodies, Russian and international courts and quasi-judicial bodies, as well as in international organizations;
PC-9 is capable of conducting written and oral communication within the framework of professional communication in Russian;
PC-10 is able to present the results of its professional activity orally, including in the framework of public speeches and discussions;
PC-11 is able to develop regulatory legal acts and acts of local law-making;
PC-12 is able to carry out various types of professional activities and manage them on the basis of legal and professional ethical standards;
PC-13 is capable of conducting analytical research in the field of law;
PC-14 Is able to prevent corrupt behavior;
PC-15 is able to comply with the basic requirements of information security in its professional activity, including in terms of non-disclosure of information constituting legally protected types of professional secrets;
PC-16 is capable of social interaction, cooperation and conflict resolution;
PC-17 is able to maintain a general level of physical activity and health for conducting active social and professional activities;
PC-18 is able to analyze ideological, socially and personally significant problems and processes taking place in society, based on an understanding of universal, humanistic values and their significance for the preservation and development of modern civilization;
PC-19 is able to make socially responsible decisions when carrying out professional activities;
PC-20 is able to flexibly adapt to various professional situations, show creativity, initiative and perseverance in achieving the goals of professional activity.
Description of educational modules:
Specialization "Public and international law" of the basic educational program of bachelor's degree with the assignment of the qualification "bachelor" provides for the study of the following blocks:
B.O – general cycle;
B.Pr – professional cycle (Major), including:
B.Pr.B – basic part, B.DV – elective disciplines;
B.M – additional profile (Minor);
B.PD practices, project and/or research work;
B.F – electives (in addition to the OP);
B.GIA – state final certification.
The basic part of the educational program is the set of its elements established by the HSE in the educational standard, the variable part of the educational program is the set of its elements established by the developers of individual bachelor's degree programs in this area within the framework of the HSE OS and/or selected by students of these programs.

Within the framework of the basic part of the B.O. cycle, the discipline "Physical Culture" is implemented in full-time education. For full-time education, the volume of this discipline should be at least 400 academic hours, of which at least 360 academic hours should be practical exercises to ensure the physical fitness of students, including professionally applied ones.
The block "Practices, project and research work" includes coursework, practice and preparation of final qualifying work (WRC), as well as research seminars, scientific and practical seminars, workshops, projects, preparation and participation in law competitions.
A term paper (or project) is a written work that is the result of a scientific study devoted to one of the actual problems of law.
Practices: academic and pre-graduate (production). Industrial practice is carried out in organizations and institutions in the field of training, educational practice can be carried out in the structural divisions of the Higher School of Economics. Method of conducting educational practice: stationary. The form of pre-graduate practice: production, to consolidate professional skills. The method of conducting industrial practice: stationary. For the disabled and persons with disabilities, the choice of places for internships is consistent with the requirement of their accessibility for these students.
The preparation of the WRC includes the preparation of a research plan, the search, collection, analysis and synthesis of information on the topic being developed, the study and interpretation of applicable sources of law, work with educational and scientific literature, drafting, discussion with the supervisor and submission of the text of the work to the pre-defense. The form of intermediate certification for this type of project and research activity is the pre-defense of the WRC in English.
The research seminar as a form of support for research activities is aimed at developing and consolidating students' competencies in conducting scientific work in the field of jurisprudence: searching and working with sources, planning research activities, using general and special research methods, structuring and formatting scientific texts, presenting the results of scientific work in written and oral form, as well as participation in the discussion.
The scientific and practical seminar is a supporting type of project work and is aimed at developing students' knowledge, skills and abilities that allow them to engage in applied activities in the field of law.
Project work includes the following possible forms of organization: A workshop is a type of project work aimed at developing professional (instrumental) competencies in demand in specific practical legal activities, including analysis of legal incidents, work with sources, orientation in judicial practice, development of a legal position, drafting procedural documents, presentation of a legal position and others. Projects are a type of research and project work that is implemented in the form of students' participation in the activities of the "Legal Clinic", as well as in individual projects that are carried out at the HSE or by HSE teachers. Preparation for participation in international and Russian law competitions as an optional type of project and research work is organized in the form of trainings.
The "State Final Certification" block includes the defense of the final qualifying work (WRC), including preparation for the defense procedure and the defense procedure, as well as an interdisciplinary state examination in the field of training.
Conducting practices and state certification tests using exclusively e-learning, distance learning technologies is not allowed.
When designing and implementing bachelor's degree programs with the qualification "bachelor", the HSE should provide students with the opportunity to master the disciplines of their choice, including, if necessary, specialized adaptation disciplines (modules) for the disabled and people with disabilities.

2022/2023 Academic year

Corporate and Business Law

Track Supervisor: Erahtina, Olga. S.
Language of instruction: Russian and English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Бакалавр
Key learning outcomes:
KOR-1 Speaks English at least at the safe level B2 on the Pan-European Scale of Levels of Foreign Language Proficiency (CEFR) and studies at the Master's level or conducts professional communication in English
KOR-2 Knows the basic principles of working with data, owns public data analysis tools at the initial level, including programming skills, algorithmization and mathematical methods for solving data analysis problems
KOR-3 Demonstrates deep knowledge and understanding of such subject studies as theory and history of state and law, private law, public law, international law
KOR-4 Knows and understands legal concepts, features of the implementation of law in the field of economics
KOR-5 is able to interpret and apply legal norms in accordance with the principles of professional ethics of a lawyer
KOR-6 Possesses methods of collecting, processing, analyzing and combining complex information using modern technologies (including information and legal systems) in applications of professional, scientific and research activities
KOR-7 Demonstrates the results of professional activity (in Russian and in a foreign language) using presentation material
KOR-8 is able to issue and execute legal documents
KOR-9 Forms and argues a personal position regarding the legal phenomenon.
Description of the professional field:
PC-1 is able to qualify legal facts and apply the applicable legal norms to them;
PC-2 is able to search, analyze and process legally relevant information through the use of formal legal, comparative legal and other special methods of cognition;
PC-3 is able to work with specialized legal systems (databases) for the purposes of professional legal activity;
PC-4 is able to draw up legal opinions, statements, claims, responses to claims, complaints, appeals, contracts and other legal acts in accordance with the rules of legal technology, regulatory legal and local acts, business practices;
PC-5 is capable of carrying out legal examination of documents;
PC-8 is able to participate in ensuring the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities through consulting, representation in state and local government bodies, Russian and international courts and quasi-judicial bodies, as well as in international organizations;
PC-9 is capable of conducting written and oral communication within the framework of professional communication in Russian;
PC-10 is able to present the results of its professional activity orally, including in the framework of public speeches and discussions;
PC-11 is able to develop regulatory legal acts and acts of local law-making;
PC-12 is able to carry out various types of professional activities and manage them on the basis of legal and professional ethical standards;
PC-13 is capable of conducting analytical research in the field of law;
PC-15 is able to comply with the basic requirements of information security in its professional activity, including in terms of non-disclosure of information constituting legally protected types of professional secrets;
PC-16 is capable of social interaction, cooperation and conflict resolution;
PC-17 is able to maintain a general level of physical activity and health for conducting active social and professional activities;
PC-18 is able to analyze ideological, socially and personally significant problems and processes taking place in society, based on an understanding of universal, humanistic values and their significance for the preservation and development of modern civilization;
PC-19 is able to make socially responsible decisions when carrying out professional activities;
PC-20 is able to flexibly adapt to various professional situations, show creativity, initiative and perseverance in achieving the goals of professional activity.
Description of educational modules:
Specialization "Corporate and business law" of the basic educational program of bachelor's degree with the assignment of the qualification "bachelor" provides for the study of the following blocks:
B.O – general cycle;B.Pr – professional cycle (Major), including: B.Pr.B – basic part, B.DV – elective disciplines;B.M – additional profile (Minor);B.PD practices, project and/or research work;B.F – electives (in addition to the OP);B.GIA – state final certification.The basic part of the educational program is the set of its elements established by the HSE in the educational standard, the variable part of the educational program is the set of its elements established by the developers of individual bachelor's degree programs in this area within the framework of the HSE OS and/or selected by students of these programs.
Within the framework of the basic part of the B.O. cycle, the discipline "Physical Culture" is implemented in full-time education. For full-time education, the volume of this discipline should be at least 400 academic hours, of which at least 360 academic hours should be practical exercises to ensure the physical fitness of students, including professionally applied ones.
The block "Practices, project and research work" includes coursework, practice and preparation of final qualifying work (WRC), as well as research seminars, scientific and practical seminars, workshops, projects, preparation and participation in law competitions.
A term paper (or project) is a written work that is the result of a scientific study devoted to one of the actual problems of law.
Practices: academic and pre-graduate (production). Industrial practice is carried out in organizations and institutions in the field of training, educational practice can be carried out in the structural divisions of the Higher School of Economics. Method of conducting educational practice: stationary. The form of pre-graduate practice: production, to consolidate professional skills. The method of conducting industrial practice: stationary. For the disabled and persons with disabilities, the choice of places for internships is consistent with the requirement of their accessibility for these students.
The preparation of the WRC includes the preparation of a research plan, the search, collection, analysis and synthesis of information on the topic being developed, the study and interpretation of applicable sources of law, work with educational and scientific literature, drafting, discussion with the supervisor and submission of the text of the work to the pre-defense. The form of intermediate certification for this type of project and research activity is the pre-defense of the WRC in English.
The research seminar as a form of support for research activities is aimed at developing and consolidating students' competencies in conducting scientific work in the field of jurisprudence: searching and working with sources, planning research activities, using general and special research methods, structuring and formatting scientific texts, presenting the results of scientific work in written and oral form, as well as participation in the discussion.
The scientific and practical seminar is a supporting type of project work and is aimed at developing students' knowledge, skills and abilities that allow them to engage in applied activities in the field of law.
Project work includes the following possible forms of organization: A workshop is a type of project work aimed at developing professional (instrumental) competencies in demand in specific practical legal activities, including analysis of legal incidents, work with sources, orientation in judicial practice, development of a legal position, drafting procedural documents, presentation of a legal position and others. Projects are a type of research and project work that is implemented in the form of students' participation in the activities of the "Legal Clinic", as well as in individual projects that are carried out at the HSE or by HSE teachers. Preparation for participation in international and Russian law competitions as an optional type of project and research work is organized in the form of trainings.The "State Final Certification" block includes the defense of the final qualifying work (WRC), including preparation for the defense procedure and the defense procedure, as well as an interdisciplinary state examination in the field of training.
Conducting practices and state certification tests using exclusively e-learning, distance learning technologies is not allowed.
When designing and implementing bachelor's degree programs with the qualification "bachelor", the HSE should provide students with the opportunity to master the disciplines of their choice, including, if necessary, specialized adaptation disciplines (modules) for the disabled and people with disabilities.

Public and International Law

Track Supervisor: Tretyakova, Ekaterina S.
Language of instruction: Russian and English
Use of online learning: With online tools
Qualification upon graduation: Бакалавр
Key learning outcomes:
KOR-1 Speaks English at least at the safe level B2 on the Pan-European Scale of Levels of Foreign Language Proficiency (CEFR) and studies at the Master's level or conducts professional communication in English
KOR-2 Knows the basic principles of working with data, owns public data analysis tools at the initial level, including programming skills, algorithmization and mathematical methods for solving data analysis problems
KOR-3 Demonstrates deep knowledge and understanding of such subject studies as theory and history of state and law, private law, public law, international law
KOR-4 Knows and understands legal concepts, features of the implementation of law in the field of economics
KOR-5 is able to interpret and apply legal norms in accordance with the principles of professional ethics of a lawyer
KOR-6 Possesses methods of collecting, processing, analyzing and combining complex information using modern technologies (including information and legal systems) in applications of professional, scientific and research activities
KOR-7 Demonstrates the results of professional activity (in Russian and in a foreign language) using presentation material
KOR-8 is able to issue and execute legal documents
KOR-9 Forms and argues a personal position regarding the legal phenomenon
Description of the professional field:
PC-1 is able to qualify legal facts and apply the applicable legal norms to them;
PC-2 is able to search, analyze and process legally relevant information through the use of formal legal, comparative legal and other special methods of cognition;
PC-3 is able to work with specialized legal systems (databases) for the purposes of professional legal activity;
PC-5 is capable of carrying out legal examination of documents;
PC-6 is capable of detecting, suppressing, uncovering, investigating and qualifying crimes and other offenses, including corrupt behavior;
PC-7 is able to understand the causes, nature and consequences of crime; to prevent crimes and other offenses, to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to their commission;
PC-8 is able to participate in ensuring the protection of human and civil rights and freedoms, the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities through consulting, representation in state and local government bodies, Russian and international courts and quasi-judicial bodies, as well as in international organizations;
PC-9 is capable of conducting written and oral communication within the framework of professional communication in Russian;
PC-10 is able to present the results of its professional activity orally, including in the framework of public speeches and discussions;
PC-11 is able to develop regulatory legal acts and acts of local law-making;
PC-12 is able to carry out various types of professional activities and manage them on the basis of legal and professional ethical standards;
PC-13 is capable of conducting analytical research in the field of law;
PC-14 Is able to prevent corrupt behavior;
PC-15 is able to comply with the basic requirements of information security in its professional activity, including in terms of non-disclosure of information constituting legally protected types of professional secrets;
PC-16 is capable of social interaction, cooperation and conflict resolution;
PC-17 is able to maintain a general level of physical activity and health for conducting active social and professional activities;
PC-18 is able to analyze ideological, socially and personally significant problems and processes taking place in society, based on an understanding of universal, humanistic values and their significance for the preservation and development of modern civilization;
PC-19 is able to make socially responsible decisions when carrying out professional activities;
PC-20 is able to flexibly adapt to various professional situations, show creativity, initiative and perseverance in achieving the goals of professional activity.
Description of educational modules:
Specialization "Public and international law" of the basic educational program of bachelor's degree with the assignment of the qualification "bachelor" provides for the study of the following blocks:
B.O – general cycle;B.Pr – professional cycle (Major), including: B.Pr.B – basic part, B.DV – elective disciplines;B.M – additional profile (Minor);B.PD practices, project and/or research work;B.F – electives (in addition to the OP);B.GIA – state final certification.The basic part of the educational program is the set of its elements established by the HSE in the educational standard, the variable part of the educational program is the set of its elements established by the developers of individual bachelor's degree programs in this area within the framework of the HSE OS and/or selected by students of these programs.
Within the framework of the basic part of the B.O. cycle, the discipline "Physical Culture" is implemented in full-time education. For full-time education, the volume of this discipline should be at least 400 academic hours, of which at least 360 academic hours should be practical exercises to ensure the physical fitness of students, including professionally applied ones.
The block "Practices, project and research work" includes coursework, practice and preparation of final qualifying work (WRC), as well as research seminars, scientific and practical seminars, workshops, projects, preparation and participation in law competitions.
A term paper (or project) is a written work that is the result of a scientific study devoted to one of the actual problems of law.
Practices: academic and pre-graduate (production). Industrial practice is carried out in organizations and institutions in the field of training, educational practice can be carried out in the structural divisions of the Higher School of Economics. Method of conducting educational practice: stationary. The form of pre-graduate practice: production, to consolidate professional skills. The method of conducting industrial practice: stationary. For the disabled and persons with disabilities, the choice of places for internships is consistent with the requirement of their accessibility for these students.
The preparation of the WRC includes the preparation of a research plan, the search, collection, analysis and synthesis of information on the topic being developed, the study and interpretation of applicable sources of law, work with educational and scientific literature, drafting, discussion with the supervisor and submission of the text of the work to the pre-defense. The form of intermediate certification for this type of project and research activity is the pre-defense of the WRC in English.
The research seminar as a form of support for research activities is aimed at developing and consolidating students' competencies in conducting scientific work in the field of jurisprudence: searching and working with sources, planning research activities, using general and special research methods, structuring and formatting scientific texts, presenting the results of scientific work in written and oral form, as well as participation in the discussion.
The scientific and practical seminar is a supporting type of project work and is aimed at developing students' knowledge, skills and abilities that allow them to engage in applied activities in the field of law.
Project work includes the following possible forms of organization: A workshop is a type of project work aimed at developing professional (instrumental) competencies in demand in specific practical legal activities, including analysis of legal incidents, work with sources, orientation in judicial practice, development of a legal position, drafting procedural documents, presentation of a legal position and others. Projects are a type of research and project work that is implemented in the form of students' participation in the activities of the "Legal Clinic", as well as in individual projects that are carried out at the HSE or by HSE teachers. Preparation for participation in international and Russian law competitions as an optional type of project and research work is organized in the form of trainings.
The "State Final Certification" block includes the defense of the final qualifying work (WRC), including preparation for the defense procedure and the defense procedure, as well as an interdisciplinary state examination in the field of training.
Conducting practices and state certification tests using exclusively e-learning, distance learning technologies is not allowed.
When designing and implementing bachelor's degree programs with the qualification "bachelor", the HSE should provide students with the opportunity to master the disciplines of their choice, including, if necessary, specialized adaptation disciplines (modules) for the disabled and people with disabilities.
Competitive Advantages

Современному обществу нужны юристы нового поколения - не только знающие юриспруденцию, но и понимающие российские и международные тенденции экономического развития, в совершенстве влаеющие иностранными языками, умеющие применять в профессиональной деятельности новые технологии по анализу данных. Направление "Юриспруденция" в НИУ ВШЭ – Пермь ориентировано на подготовку таких специалистов.

Главной особенностью реализуемой образовательной программы является её ориентация на формирование у студентов взаимно интегрированных экономико-правовых компетенций, необходимых для следующих видов деятельности:

  • экспертно-консультационной деятельности, состоящей в правовом обеспечении и защите бизнеса и правовом сопровождении деятельности органов государственной и муниципальной власти;
  • экономико-правового анализа разрабатываемых коммерческими организациями актов и инновационных проектов, принимаемых региональных и муниципальных нормативно-правовых актов;
  • научно-исследовательской деятельности.

Другой отличительной чертой образовательной программы является реализация программ по углублённому изучению иностранных языков. В период изучения студенты изучают не только общий и юридический английский и сдают экзамен по стандарту IELTS. Они также осваивают некоторые профессиональные дисциплины на английском языке. Реализация программ по углублённому изучению иностранных языков позволит студентам участвовать в международных конференциях, совместных исследовательских проектах с зарубежными университетами, активно стажироваться в университетах страны изучаемого языка, обучаться по программам двойных дипломов. Кроме того, хорошая языковая подготовка обеспечит конкурентоспособность и востребованность выпускника на рынке труда и предоставит большие возможности его самореализации в профессиональной деятельности.

Особенностью освоения программ бакалавриата в НИУ ВШЭ – Пермь является также возможность для студента выбрать дополнительный профиль (Minor), который в рамках индивидуальной образовательной траектории позволяет изучить конкретную область неюридических знаний, расширив объём компетенций, необходимых для успешного осуществления профессиональной деятельности. 

Программа подготовки бакалавров по направлению "Юриспруденция" отличается практико-ориентированным подходом к обучению. Чтобы выпускники приобрели знания, умения и навыки, необходимые для практикующего юриста, преподавание специальных дисциплин осуществляется в неразрывной связи с арбитражной практикой, практикой законодательных и правоохранительных органов. В рамках программы преподавание основывается на использовании в учебном процессе активных и интерактивных форм занятий, таких как семинары в диалоговом режиме, дискуссии, игровые судебные процессы, деловые игры, тренинги, работа в исследовательских группах.

Professional Activities and Competencies of Programme Graduates

В результате освоения программы бакалавриата у выпускника должны быть сформированы универсальные и профессиональные компетенции. Они используются в следующих видах профессиональной деятельности:

  • правотворческая - подготовка нормативных правовых и локальных актов;
  • правореализационная - составление заявлений, исков, отзывов на иски, жалоб, обращений и других правореализационных актов;
  • правоприменительная - составление правоприменительных актов, а также иных документов, связанных с применением норм права;
  • правоохранительная - охрана правопорядка, обеспечение законности, безопасности личности, общества и государства;
  • правозащитная - обеспечение защиты прав и свобод человека и гражданина, прав и законных интересов юридических лиц путём консультирования, представления в органах государственной власти и местного самоуправления, российских и международных судах и квазисудебных органах, а также в международных организациях;
  • экспертно-консультационная - разъяснение прав, консультирование по правовым вопросам. Осуществление правовой экспертизы документов;
  • аналитическая - ведение аналитических исследований. Обработка правовой, социальной, экономической и другой теоретической и эмпирической информации на основе использования современных информационных технологий. Подготовка публикаций, обзоров и аннотаций по правовой проблематике;
  • научно-исследовательская - участие в проведении научных исследований в области права, подготовка научных публикаций и докладов по правовой проблематике.

Профессиональный блок компетенций:

ПК-1 Способен квалифицировать юридические факты и применять к ним действующие нормы права;

ПК-2 Способен искать, анализировать и обрабатывать юридически значимую информацию посредством использования формально- юридического, сравнительно-правового и иных специальных методов познания;

ПК-3 Способен работать со специализированными правовыми системами (базами данных) для целей профессиональной юридической деятельности;

ПК-4 Способен составлять правовые заключения, заявления, иски, отзывы на иски, жалобы, обращения, договоры и другие правореализационные акты в соответствии с правилами юридической техники, нормативными правовыми и локальными актами, обычаями делового оборота;

ПК-5 Способен осуществлять правовую экспертизу документов;

ПК-6 Способен выявлять, пресекать, раскрывать, расследовать и квалифицировать преступления и иные правонарушения, включая коррупционное поведение;

ПК-7 Способен понимать причины, природу и следствия преступности; осуществлять предупреждение преступлений и иных правонарушений, выявлять и устранять причины и условия, способствующие их совершению;

ПК-8 Способен участвовать в обеспечении защиты прав и свобод человека и гражданина, прав и законных интересов юридических лиц путём консультирования, представления в органах государственной власти и местного самоуправления, российских и международных судах и квазисудебных органах, а также в международных организациях;

ПК-9 Способен вести письменную и устную коммуникацию в рамках профессионального общения на русском языке;

ПК-10 Способен представлять результаты своей профессиональной деятельности устно, в том числе в рамках публичных выступлений и дискуссий;

ПК-11 Способен разрабатывать нормативные правовые акты и акты локального правотворчества;

ПК-12 Способен осуществлять различные виды профессиональной деятельности и руководить ими на основе правовых и профессиональных этических норм;

ПК-13 Способен проводить аналитические исследования в области права;

ПК-14 Способен препятствовать коррупционному поведению;

ПК-15 Способен соблюдать в профессиональной деятельности основные требования информационной безопасности, в том числе в части неразглашения сведений, составляющих охраняемые законом виды профессиональных тайн;

ПК-16 Способен к социальному взаимодействию, сотрудничеству и разрешению конфликтов;

ПК-17 Способен поддерживать общий уровень физической активности и здоровья для ведения активной социальной и профессиональной деятельности;

ПК-18 Способен анализировать мировоззренческие, социально и личностно значимые проблемы, и процессы, происходящие в обществе, на основе понимания общечеловеческих, гуманистических ценностей и их значения для сохранения и развития современной цивилизации;

ПК-19 Способен социально-ответственно принимать решения при осуществлении профессиональной деятельности;

ПК-20 Способен гибко адаптироваться к различным профессиональным ситуациям, проявлять творческий подход, инициативу и настойчивость в достижении целей профессиональной деятельности.

Ключевые образовательные результаты:

КОР-1 Владеет английским языком не ниже безопасного уровня В2 по Общеевропейской шкале уровней владения иностранным языком (CEFR) и учится на уровне магистратуры или ведет профессиональное общение на английском языке

КОР-2 Знает основные принципы работы с данными, владеет общественными инструментами анализа данных на начальном уровне, в т.ч. навыки программирования, алгоритмизации и математических методов решения задач анализа данных

КОР-3 Демонстрирует глубокое знание и понимание таких предметных исследований как теория и история государства и права, частное право, публичное право, международное право

КОР-4 Знает и понимает юридические понятия, особенности реализации права в сфере экономики

КОР-5 Умеет толковать, применять правовые нормы в соответствии с принципами профессиональной этики юриста

КОР-6 Владеет методами сбора, обработки, анализа и сочетания комплексной информации с использованием современных технологий (в том числе информационно-правовых систем) в приложениях профессиональной, научно-исследовательской деятельности

КОР-7 Демонстрирует результаты профессиональной деятельности (на русском и иностранном языке) с использованием презентационного материала

КОР-8 Способен оформить и оформить юридические документы

КОР-9 Формирует и аргументирует личную позицию в отношении правового явления

Programme Modules

Основная образовательная программа подготовки бакалавра с присвоением квалификации «бакалавр» предусматривает изучение следующих блоков:

  • Б.О – общий цикл;
  • Б.Пр – профессиональный цикл (Major), включая: Б.Пр.Б – базовая часть, Б.ДВ – дисциплины по выбору;
  • Б.М – дополнительный профиль (Minor);
  • Б.ПД – практики, проектная и/или исследовательская работа;
  • Б.Ф – факультативы (дополнительно к ОП);
  • Б.ГИА – государственная итоговая аттестация.

Базовой частью образовательной программы является совокупность её элементов, устанавливаемых НИУ ВШЭ в образовательном стандарте, вариативной частью образовательной программы является совокупность её элементов, устанавливаемых разработчиками отдельных программ бакалавриата по данному направлению в рамках ОС НИУ ВШЭ и/или выбираемых студентами указанных программ.

В рамках базовой части цикла Б.О при очной форме обучения реализуется дисциплина «Физическая культура». Для очной формы обучения объём указанной дисциплины должен составлять не менее 400 академических часов, из которых не менее 360 академических часов должны составлять практические занятия для обеспечения физической подготовленности обучающихся, в том числе профессионально-прикладного характера.

Блок «Практики, проектная и научно-исследовательская работа» включает в себя курсовые работы, практику и подготовку выпускной квалификационной работы (ВКР), а также научно-исследовательские семинары, научно-практические семинары, практикумы, проекты, подготовку и участие в конкурсах по праву.

Курсовая работа – это письменная работа, которая является результатом научного исследования, посвящённого одной из актуальных проблем права.

Проектная деятельность (научно-исследовательский / практико-ориентированный / сервисный проект) направлена на формирование у студентов практических компетенций, связанных с научно-обоснованным решением практической задачи.

Практики: учебная и преддипломная (производственная). Производственная практика проводится в организациях и учреждениях по направлению подготовки, учебная практика может проводиться в структурных подразделениях НИУ ВШЭ. Способ проведения учебной практики: стационарная. Форма проведения преддипломной практики: производственная, по закреплению профессиональных навыков. Способ проведения производственной практики: стационарная. Для инвалидов и лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья выбор мест прохождения практик согласуется с требованием их доступности для данных обучающихся.

Подготовка ВКР включает в себя подготовку плана исследования, поиск, сбор, анализ и обобщение информации по разрабатываемой теме, изучение и толкование применимых источников права, работу с учебной и научной литературой, составление, обсуждение с научным руководителем и представление текста работы к предзащите. Формой промежуточной аттестации по этому виду проектной и исследовательской деятельности является предзащита ВКР на английском языке.

Научно-исследовательский семинар как форма поддержки научно-исследовательской деятельности направлен на развитие и закрепление у студентов компетенций по проведению научной работы в области юриспруденции: поиску и работе с источниками, планированию исследовательской деятельности, использованию общих и специальных методов исследования, структурированию и оформлению научных текстов, представлению результатов научной работы в письменной и устной форме, а также участию в дискуссии.

Научно-практический семинар является обеспечивающим видом проектной работы и направлен на формирование у студентов знаний, умений и навыков, позволяющих заниматься прикладными видами деятельности в области права.

Практикум является видом проектной работы, направленным на развитие профессиональных (инструментальных) компетенций, востребованных в конкретной практической юридической деятельности, среди которых анализ юридических казусов, работа с источниками, ориентирование в судебной практике, выработка правовой позиции, составление процессуальных документов, представление правовой позиции и другие. Подготовка к участию в международных и российских конкурсах по праву как факультативный вид проектной и исследовательской работы организуется в виде тренингов.

В блок «Государственная итоговая аттестация» входит защита выпускной квалификационной работы (ВКР), включая подготовку к процедуре защиты и процедуру защиты, а также междисциплинарный государственной экзамен по направлению подготовки.

Проведение практик и государственных аттестационных испытаний с применением исключительно электронного обучения, дистанционных образовательных технологий не допускается.

При проектировании и реализации программ бакалавриата с присвоением квалификации «бакалавр» НИУ ВШЭ должен обеспечить обучающимся возможность освоения дисциплин по выбору, в том числе, при необходимости, специализированных адаптационных дисциплин (модулей) для инвалидов и лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья.

Options for Students with Disabilities

This degree programme of HSE University is adapted for students with special educational needs (SEN) and disabilities. There is a specially designed Physical Education course available for such students (Syllabus of the adapted Physical Education course). Special assistive technology and teaching aids are used for collective and individual learning of students with SEN and disabilities. The specific adaptive features of the programme are listed in each subject's full syllabus and are available to students through the online Learning Management System.

Образовательная программа высшего образования НИУ ВШЭ адаптирована для изучения на ней инвалидов и лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Для указанных лиц разработана специальная программа по дисциплине "Физическая культура", в учебном процессе используются специальные технические средства обучения коллективного и индивидуального пользования для инвалидов и лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья. Особенности адаптации программ учебных дисциплин содержатся в полной версии каждой программы учебной дисциплины и доступны студентам через электронную образовательную среду.

Programme Documentation

All documents of the degree programme are stored electronically on this website. Curricula, calendar plans, and syllabi are developed and approved electronically in corporate information systems. Their current versions are automatically published on the website of the degree programme. Up-to-date teaching and learning guides, assessment tools, and other relevant documents are stored on the website of the degree programme in accordance with the local regulatory acts of HSE University.

I hereby confirm that the degree programme documents posted on this website are fully up-to-date.

Vice Rector Sergey Yu. Roshchin

Summary of Degree Programme 'Law'

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