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Strategic Management

Academic Year
Instruction in English
ECTS credits
Course type:
Compulsory course
3 year, 1 module


Course Syllabus


The aim of the course "Strategic Management" is to develop and improve students' strategic management skills based on situational analysis and assessment of strategic prospects. The course is a systematic presentation of theoretical and methodological issues related to the development, implementation of company’s strategy in order to increase its efficiency.
Learning Objectives

Learning Objectives

  • Goal is the development and improvement of students' strategic management skills based on situational analysis and assessment of strategic prospects. The course is a systematic presentation of theoretical and methodological issues related to the development, implementation and implementation of a company's strategy in order to increase its efficiency. The goals of mastering the discipline “Strategic Management” are: 1) Acquaintance of the student with the basic concepts used in studying the discipline; 2) Formation of the student’s understanding of the methodology of strategic analysis, choice of strategy, identification of the company’s key competencies in the field of development and implementation of strategy; 3) Demonstration of the main approaches to interpreting the results of strategic management within the framework of company management; 4) Practical testing of theoretical approaches to strategic management.
Expected Learning Outcomes

Expected Learning Outcomes

  • • Use management tools – SWOT-analysis, PESTEL, BCG-matrix, Porter’s 5 forces and others – to international business • Gain the competencies to understand how an organisation can achieve a competitive advantage through its supply chain design • Understand the role of the global competition in the formation of the modern organisational structures • Comprehend how economic cycles determine the international business activity
  • To discuss the strategy-evaluation process, criteria, and methods used. To identify and describe characteristics of an effective strategy-evaluation system. To identify and describe some guidelines for effective strategic management.
  • Students will learn the approaches of strategic management classics on issues of shared value and sustainable development, examples of the transformational impact of closed loop economy challenges on corporate and business strategy, and opportunities to build strategies using shared value models, and resilience strategy topics
Course Contents

Course Contents

  • Strategic management. Basic concepts. Analysis of the external and internal environment
  • Classification of strategies. Development of company strategy. Strategy implementation tools
Assessment Elements

Assessment Elements

  • non-blocking Strategic analysis of the industry (market)
  • non-blocking Strategy for the company
    The goal is to present the results of the course development of a strategic plan for the company, focused on solving the problem found at the beginning of the course, in the form of a written document and public defense. Work is carried out in groups of up to 4 people. To prepare a strategy, students are recommended to use a variety of sources of information about the industry: reports from research agencies, assessments of industry experts, interviews with consumers, experts and market participants. The work is submitted in the form of an oral report, including a presentation by a group of students and a visualization (presentation) illustrating the main data used by the group in analyzing the industry, and a printed document with a brief outline of the strategy. The presentation should take no more than 15 minutes. The maximum number of slides in a presentation is 15. The maximum volume of the strategy outline is 20 thousand characters. The composition of the short plan will be discussed before starting work on the assignment (2 weeks before the presentation date). Цель — представить результаты проведенной за курс разработки стратегического плана для компании, ориентированного на решение найденной в начале курса проблемы, в виде письменного документа и публичной защиты. Работа осуществляется в группах численностью до 4 человек. Для подготовки стратегии студентам рекомендуется использовать разнообразные источники информации об отрасли: доклады исследовательских агентств, оценки экспертов в отрасли, интервью с потребителями, экспертами и участниками рынка. Работа сдается в форме устного доклада, включающего в себя выступление группы студентов и визуализацию (презентацию) с иллюстрацией основных данных, используемых группой в анализе отрасли, и печатного документа с кратким планом (outline) стратегии. Выступление должно занимать не больше 15 минут. Максимальное количество слайдов в презентации — 15. Максимальный объем outline стратегии — 20 тысяч знаков. Состав краткого плана будет обговорен перед началом работы над заданием (за 2 недели до даты презентации).
  • non-blocking Test
  • non-blocking Online test
    test for an online course. It consists of several tests that the student fills out after each topic
Interim Assessment

Interim Assessment

  • 2024/2025 1st module
    0.1 * Online test + 0.25 * Strategic analysis of the industry (market) + 0.3 * Strategy for the company + 0.35 * Test


Recommended Core Bibliography

  • Cornelius de Kluyver, & John A. Pearce. (2015). Strategic Management : An Executive Perspective: Vol. First edition. Business Expert Press.
  • Strategic management : методическое пособие / В. В. Великороссов, Д. К. Балаханова, М. Н. Сидоров [и др.]. — Москва : Русайнс, 2020. — 196 с. — ISBN 978-5-4365-5251-4. — URL: https://book.ru/book/936720 (дата обращения: 26.08.2024). — Текст : электронный.
  • Strategic management. Building and sustaining competitive advantage, Pitts R.A., Lei D., 2006

Recommended Additional Bibliography

  • Mintzberg, H. (2011). Managing. Harlow, England: Financial Times/ Prentice Hall. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&site=eds-live&db=edsebk&AN=1417786
