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Employment Opportunities

During their studies students can undertake employment if they wish. Currently, international students can work if they have a work permit.
However, there are some situations outlined in Russian legislation in which international students studying at Russian universities are not subject to the restriction of needing a work permit. Therefore, international students can undertake employment without a work permit in the following cases:
  • They work during the holidays
  • They work in their free time at the university where they study
  • They have citizenship of one of the member-states of the Eurasian Economic Union (Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan).

In July 2020 the federal law of February 6th 2020 No. 16-F3 ‘Concerning the Introduction of Changes to the Federal Law ‘Concerning the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation’ in the Simplification of the Employment Procedure in the Russian Federation for Students at Russian Professional Education Organizations and Higher Education Institutions, for Foreign Students and Persons without Citizenship’ will come into force. This means that foreign citizens studying full-time will be able to work in their free time without the corresponding permit. The labour or civil-law contract will be terminated at the conclusion (termination) of the student’s studies.  

How to Find Work

There are two options: to work at HSE without a work permit or to work at a third-party organization with a work permit.

1. Working at HSE

Pro: no permit needed, con: few paid vacancies. You can be employed without a permit with just the usual documentation expected of any employee.
Where to find vacancies at HSE?
► Find out at your academic office
► Find out at the Student and Alumni Centre
► As a teaching assistant. If you have outstanding academic achievement in a particular subject, you can become a teaching assistant. The requirements and salary will differ depending on the faculty. Find out more.

2. Working at an Outside Organization

Pro: more options, con: hesitant to hire employees who need extra documentation. Without a permit you can work in the holidays and take part in internships, with a permit you can work in your free time from university.
To find vacancies you can use HeadHunter,family, the Student and Alumni Centre website and the Vkontakte group.
You can find more information about the laws and documents concerning work permits here.