Tag "bachelor's programmes"
HSE Perm launches the project with Ohio University
The joint project of the Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages Tatyana Permyakova and the Head of the Department of Foreign Languages Marina Sheveleva became the winner of the US-Russia competition for the development of US-Russia University Virtual Partnership.
Elizaveta Smirnova: "We Prepare Students for International Careers in Big Companies and State Institutions"
In 2021, a new programme "Foreign languages and intercultural communication in business" is opened at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities programme. Head of the programme, Ph.D. in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages Elizaveta Smirnova told us how linguistics and intercultural communication are related to business, where graduates will work, how to enter the programme, and why is it worth participating in the iTell conference.