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Научный семинар IDLab: The impact of calendar and biological age on individual productivity in soccer

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Team: The impact of calendar and biological age on individual productivity in soccer


Паршаков Петр Андреевич

Международная лаборатория экономики нематериальных активов (Пермь): Заместитель заведующего лабораторией



Coauthors: Sofia Paklina, Marina Zavertiaeva

Age is considered to be an important determinant of individual productivity, especially in the sports industry. However, not all individuals age at the same rate. That’s why the biological age may differ from the calendar age. While facial-based age is found to be a marker of biological age, we can use facial recognition to determine biological age. Using a large (N=11,636) sample of football player photos from FIFA video game, we analyze how the difference between calendar age and biological age affects the individual performance. Our results show that this difference does not affect players’ real game performance, while people are likely to overestimate players who look younger.

Date and time: 29 September, 17:00 GMT+5 (Perm time)

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